Treatment of kidneys in wheat - traditional medicine

The obstruction of the ducts of the urinary system, the presence of sand, stones and inflammatory diseases cause many inconveniences and unpleasant symptoms, especially women often suffer. Therefore, so popular is the treatment of kidneys with millet - folk medicine offers several effective and quick recipes to cope with the listed problems.

Ancient recipes for treatment of the kidneys with millet

The best treatment for inflammation of various etiologies, especially with cystitis, is complex therapy with wheat and herb collection.

The recipe for millet broth:

  1. Rinse well under running cold water 2 tablespoons of millet.
  2. Pour them two glasses (350 ml) of boiling water and immediately put on fire.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
  4. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and wait 1 minute.
  5. Strain the broth by pouring the liquid into a glass clean container.
  6. You need to drink the solution according to the scheme: in the first day of 1 tablespoon each hour. On the second day - 3 tablespoons hourly. From 3 to 7 days - half the standard glass three times a day just before meals.

At the same time you need to take a decoction of leaves of cranberries :

  1. Within 5 minutes, boil 1 tablespoon of dry raw material in a glass of water (on low heat).
  2. Insist for 1.5 hours, cool the solution, drain.
  3. Drink the remedy throughout the day at any time, in small sips.

You can replace it with a broth of bearberry, which is prepared similarly to the previous product. The reception is slightly different - 3 times a day for 1/3 cup for half an hour before the start of the meal.

Another great way to treat kidneys with such folk remedies as millet and cranberries:

  1. Spread the grain of the wheat on a wide plate with a thin layer, pour a little water to cover the rump, cover it with clean gauze (1 layer).
  2. After 2-3 days, there will be shoots. The resulting raw material, along with the grains, must be welded like ordinary porridge. Do not salt.
  3. There is such a dish you need at least 1 time per day, without adding sugar, butter, only with cranberry berries.

Treatment of kidney stones with broth of millet

To get rid of small formations, and also to clear ducts and ureter from sand, you can use the following means:

  1. Rinse thoroughly 1 cup of millet.
  2. Pour the clean grain into a glass 3-liter jar.
  3. Pour the remaining volume of hot (not boiling) water.
  4. Wrap the container with a thick towel or rug, leave for 10 hours.
  5. After the specified time, pour a dull white slurry into clean dishes, and pour the rump with a new portion of water.
  6. The resulting solution is to be drunk throughout the day in arbitrary amounts and at any time. Every day you need to prepare a fresh decoction.

It is worth noting that this recipe also works well for cystitis and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, if you use this medicine in parallel with chamomile tea.

Another simple preparation:

  1. Wash 1 cup of millet and pour it with 350 ml of warm clean water.
  2. Close the container tightly and shake it for 3 minutes.
  3. Drain the resulting turbid white liquid, drink it in unlimited quantities at any time.

This drug helps to clean the kidneys and ducts, to stop inflammation.

Contraindications for treatment of kidneys in foie

It is not recommended to use the examined croup if you suffer from:

It should also be remembered that millet has astringent properties, so it can cause permanent constipation and, as a result, inflammation of the hemorrhoids, the appearance of anal fissures.