The gallbladder - where is and how it hurts?

In order to start treatment on time and protect yourself from various troubles, anyone should know where the gallbladder is and how it hurts. The body performs an important digestive function in the body. And as soon as it starts to work incorrectly, it immediately affects the overall well-being.

Where are the lower and upper third of the gallbladder in humans?

The gallbladder looks like a pear. In length, it can grow from five to fifteen centimeters. The width of the organ usually does not exceed four centimeters. And the capacity can reach 70 ml. But if necessary, the bubble is stretched and significantly increases in size.

The pear-shaped organ is located under the liver - that is, on the right under the ribs. In most people, a significant portion of the gallbladder is embedded in the liver. And there are also such structures of the body, when the bubble is completely covered by the liver and as it were buried in its tissues.

There is an organ from the bottom, body and neck. The cervix with the common hepatic duct is united into one system - the vesicular duct. The latter falls into the general hepatic and is part of the common bile duct.

The walls of the bubble are multilayered and consist of:

In the mucous layer there are elastic fibers and glands producing mucus. Most glands are in the neck. And the folds, which are available in this part of the body, form a valve system, which experts call the Geister damper.

Does the gallbladder hurt?

The bile serves as a kind of reservoir in which all the bile is collected, which is formed in the liver and is needed for a normal digestive process. Strictly speaking, this is why the organs are located in close proximity to one another. Being in the bladder, the bile concentrates. But as soon as an organism needs it, it stands out.

To diagnose the gall bladder disease in a person by symptoms, it is not enough to know where the organ is. It is very important to understand the reasons for the discord:

  1. Quite often the problem is infection. Bacteria lead to inflammation of the mucosa and cause many unpleasant sensations.
  2. Sometimes the genetic and hereditary pathological changes in the organ affect the health.
  3. If the genome of cells located in the mucosa changes, the likelihood of polyps and malignant tumors increases.
  4. Due to changes in the chemical composition of bile, stones can form, which in turn lead to cholesterosis.
  5. When the innervation of the bile is broken, the walls begin to contract incorrectly, and dyskinesia develops.

Where it hurts - in the liver or gallbladder?

To define it is not so simple. First, the organs, as you already know, are very close. Secondly, the nature of painful sensations, as a rule, is the same. And yet some diseases of the gallbladder can be diagnosed by symptoms:

  1. Gallstone disease is widespread. It manifests itself with pronounced pains, jaundice.
  2. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract is functional and structural changes in the organ are not accompanied. It can be suspected of soreness in the right hypochondrium, fatigue, sudden changes in mood, insomnia, impaired appetite.
  3. One of the most "vile" diseases is cholesterosis. In most cases, it does not manifest itself at all, and it can be detected only during the examination.
  4. Oncological diseases of the gallbladder are rare. If they do occur, they manifest themselves by sudden weight loss, symptoms of intoxication, and pain.