Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils. It is the tonsils - the main participants in the formation of the body's defense mechanisms. The most active phase of tonsils work is in the early childhood, during this period all inflammatory processes contribute to the strengthening of immunity.

In the event that a child is constantly exposed to bacterial infections and, as a result, frequent inflammation of the tonsils develops, the process of forming immunity is inhibited. To inhibit the development of immunity may be improper treatment with antibiotics.

Chronic tonsillitis can develop as a result of nasal breathing. Most often this leads to adenoids, a curved nasal septum, polyps. There are several reasons of local nature: carious teeth, sinusitis or chronic adenoids.

Chronic tonsillitis: consequences

The most terrible threat of chronic tonsillitis lies in the complications to which it can lead. This is due to the spread of infection in the body. The disease can lead to the following complications:

Chronic compensated tonsillitis

Chronic compensated tonsillitis begins with impairment and decrease of immunity. The body begins to suffer from cold diseases, which become chronic. As a consequence, palatine tonsils from natural body filters become sources of infection.

This disease, as a rule, occurs with frequent tonsillitis, can be accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth and all signs of intoxication. In this case, tonsils are often very much enlarged (less often greatly reduced). The depressions of the tonsils accumulate decay products, and they become foci of infection.

Can I cure chronic tonsillitis?

This disease can be treated with two methods: conservatively or surgically. In the first case, lacunae must be constantly washed to remove the remains of the decay products and avoid infection. This helps to remove bad breath, improve the condition of the patient and eliminate discomfort. But this washing has to be repeated periodically.

Treatment of tonsillitis is always accompanied by the intake of antibiotics. Their reception should be carried out by all rules. Such treatment will help to avoid frequent angina and eliminate inflammation of the tonsils.

The surgical method is used only if all of the above methods do not work. If the body constantly has a focus of infection, this can lead to complications. This decision must be made by a doctor, for each patient it takes place on an individual basis.

Chronic tonsillitis: folk remedies

Treatment of tonsillitis often very much exhausts, because it lasts more than one week. Many, having lost hope for chemist's drugs, turn to folk recipes. Is it possible to cure chronic tonsillitis with a "grandmother's method"? This method takes place. But before taking various fees or tinctures, be sure to read the contraindications to their use. Here are a few recipes for treating tonsillitis. Rinsings are the most popular method of treatment of inflammatory processes.

Pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. dry grass yarrow. Let it brew for at least an hour. Gargle should be at least 3 times a day.

Very often, basil oil is used to treat sore throats. You need to gargle with boiled water, before adding a few drops of oil.