Flushing of the tonsils

Due to the fact that there are lacunas (cavities) in tonsils, dead epithelial cells, suppuration and bacteria often accumulate there. Due to decreased immunity and frequent diseases, an inflammatory process may occur, requiring treatment. Flushing of the tonsils is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem today and prevent its further development, complications.

Washing of the tonsils at home

To perform the procedure, it is not necessary to visit a doctor, it is quite possible to cope with it yourself.

It is optimal to resort to the help of close people, but if there are none, try to rinse the tonsils alone:

  1. Prepare a solution of salt (1 teaspoon) or crushed Furacilin tablets (2 pieces) and a glass of warm boiled water.
  2. To make a few dense tampons from cotton wool or cottonwoods, soak them with medicinal liquid.
  3. Having groped for tonsils, with pressure to spend on them the received tampon that the solution was washed with lacunae.
  4. Change cotton, repeat the procedure.

In the event that you are well versed in physiology and know exactly where the organ in question is located, you can make a wash from a syringe (without a needle), but this method requires certain experience and skills.

Vacuum washing lacunae of palatine tonsils Tonsilorom

Modern clinics and otolaryngology offices have a special apparatus available that can provide high-quality and effective ablution of lacunas, elimination of any accumulation in the cavities, and also has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

The washing of the tonsils by the vacuum method by means of Tonsilor is combined with the simultaneous use of ultrasonic waves and a medicinal antiseptic solution. This allows you to quickly achieve the desired and sustainable outcome, alleviate the symptoms and manifestations of chronic oral lesions.

Moreover, the device produces such an effect:

Tonsillitis and lavage of tonsils

The described disease, naturally, can not be completely cured by this procedure. Positive impact, of course, will be, but a short-term.

Tonsillitis, especially its chronic form, involves a long-term comprehensive treatment regimen, which includes taking systemic drugs, using local antiseptics or antibiotics during relapse, adjusting the lifestyle and even feeding the patient.

Nevertheless, washing the tonsils is a prerequisite for accelerating recovery and is considered one of the most effective methods of preventing exacerbation of the disease.

Sessions can be visited in the clinic's clinic or buy special adaptations for home use. Such devices are called irrigators. Of course, the quality of washing lacunae is not as high as at a doctor's appointment, but in the form of a regular preventive measure the device is quite suitable.

The mechanism of the irrigator is that a medicinal antimicrobial solution is placed in the container attached to it. When switched on, the liquid is supplied through the tube through a thin nozzle directly to the amygdala, and the head can be changed to find the most comfortable value. The device is very convenient to use, if there is a need for frequent washing lacunae.