Miramistin during pregnancy in the throat

Miramistin refers to drugs that have antibacterial and disinfectant effects. The scope of its use is quite wide, it can be applied in various fields of medicine: gynecology, otolaryngology, dermatology, dentistry, etc. It is used as an external means, i.e. for the treatment of affected areas of the skin, mucous membranes, inflammatory processes. Consider the drug in more detail and try to find out: is it possible for pregnant women to use Miramistin, spraying the spray into the throat, how to apply it correctly in pregnancy, and whether there are contraindications.

What is good Miramistin?

The main substance of the drug is benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride. As an auxiliary component is purified water.

The drug refers to topical drugs. It destroys bacterial microorganisms and fungi mainly at the site of use. In this case, the drug substance does not penetrate into the total blood flow. It is this fact that explains the possibility of its use in pregnancy, tk. influence on the fetus is practically impossible.

How to gargle with myramistin during pregnancy?

It is worth recalling that any appointment in the period of bearing a baby is made exclusively by a doctor. Only he knows everything about the peculiarities of the course of this gestation, can accurately determine whether the use of the drug is justified in this case or not. The future mother, in turn, must strictly follow the given appointments and recommendations.

In pregnancy, Miramistine is used to treat the throat, splashing a spray into it, or using a solution of the drug. In this case, doctors do not recommend the use of the drug on short gestation terms, throughout the entire 1 trimester.

In the complex treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis during pregnancy, a solution of Miramistin may be prescribed. In this case, rinsing of the throat takes place 4-6 times a day. One procedure requires 10-15 ml.

A more convenient form of the drug is spray. In this case, it is much easier for a woman to comply with the dosage. When pregnancy is recommended to perform 3-4 times irrigation of the mouth and throat with the help of a special nozzle, which comes complete with a medicine. At a time you need to make no more than 2-3 clicks. The dosages given are exemplary. The pregnant woman must observe the assignments given to her, which correspond to the severity of the disease, its stage, the severity of the symptoms.

Can you use medicine for all pregnant women?

Having figured out whether it is possible to use Miramistin in pregnancy to rinse the sore throat, it is necessary to say that there are contraindications.

In addition to the gestation period, as mentioned above, the drug should not be used for individual intolerance. Therefore, if an allergic reaction has appeared after the application, the medicine is canceled, while notifying the doctor who appointed the remedy.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the side effects that can be noted with the use of the drug. Most often this is a local reaction in the form of a slight burning sensation, which itself is eliminated after 20-30 seconds. In rare cases, as a result of the individual intolerance of the drug, non-compliance with dosage, the frequency of intake, there may be a slight skin irritation, redness, itching, dry mouth.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the drug Miramistin can be used quite well in the treatment of diseases of the mouth and pharynx in pregnant women.