Mature pregnancy

Nine months you are looking forward to the moment when you take your baby in his arms. Each day lasts for you as an eternity, and the last of them in general seem to be endless. And now, the long-awaited time comes, but nothing happens. Pass the day, the second, and your child and is not going to be born.

If this period lasts for two weeks, the doctor states that you have a pregnant pregnancy. But do not panic immediately, not always a pregnant pregnancy means something bad. There are many reasons why childbirth may be delayed. Here are some of them:

  1. This is the weight of the mother, the mood of the future mother, the condition of the uterus and the amount of nutrients in it, the density of the bones of the skull of the fetus. Such a perenashivanie called imaginary and no harm to the baby can not cause.
  2. If, at birth, the skin of the newborn looks dry, wrinkled, flaky, yellow or green, and there is no lubrication, then it is possible to diagnose a truly pregnant pregnancy. This is pathology. The child is born "overripe", looks very thin, he has long arms and legs, his behavior is restless.

If the imaginary pregnancy is all clear, then what are the causes of a truly pregnant pregnancy?

We can say at once that they have not been fully studied yet. Currently, the following are singled out: "old" first-borns (the age of the woman in childbirth is more than 30 years old), constant menstrual disorder, gynecological and endocrine diseases, impaired functions of the placenta, late toxicosis, fetal development pathology, insufficient quantity of glycogen in the uterus. The causes of the delayed pregnancy, we found out, now let's talk about its symptoms.

The main features of a pregnant pregnancy include the following: childbirth did not come in time;

Usually signs of a pregnant pregnancy are established with gynecological examination, laboratory tests, ultrasound and amnioscopy. If the diagnosis is confirmed and you have a truly pregnant pregnancy, you should immediately go to the hospital. Most likely, there will be a decision to stimulate childbirth. Be afraid of this should not, because next to you will be specialists who at a difficult time will help.