Norm TTG in pregnancy

The hormone TSH during pregnancy is determined by the blood test and is an important factor for assessing the mother's condition, fetal development and the presence of possible pathologies. TTG promotes high-grade work of a thyroid gland, therefore behind level TTG at pregnancy the constant control is necessary.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone

TTG is the hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Thyrotropin controls the development and functioning of the thyroid gland, in particular the production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which regulate the heart and sex system, participate in metabolic processes, and also affect the psychoemotional state.

The TSH index depends on the level of hormones T3 and T4. So, with normal production of T3 and T4, which suppress TSH, its content in the body decreases. The level of the hormone varies in the range from 0.4 to 4.0 mU / L, while the TSH rate in pregnant women may differ slightly from the standard indices.

As a rule, the index of TTG in pregnant women is slightly lower than usual, especially in case of multiple pregnancies . It is worth noting that a low TSH can only show a test with high sensitivity, otherwise the hormone will be zero. On the other hand slightly elevated TSH during pregnancy is also not a deviation from the norm.

The level of TTG during pregnancy is constantly changing, so the hormone norm is difficult to determine. The lowest indices are observed at 10 to 12 weeks, but in some cases low TSH persists throughout the pregnancy period.

TTG is below the norm in pregnancy

If during pregnancy TTG is lowered, there is no cause for concern - as a rule, this is a normal indicator. But in some cases, low TSH can be a symptom of the following abnormalities:

Symptoms of low hormone TSH in pregnancy below the norm is headache, high fever, frequent heartbeat. Also on the decrease in TSH indicates high blood pressure, upset stomach, emotional arousal.

TTG above norm or rate at pregnancy

If the analysis showed that the TSH level during pregnancy is too high, doctors prescribe several additional examinations, since a high hormone count can indicate the following deviations:

Symptoms of increasing TSH are: fatigue, general weakness, insomnia, low temperature , poor appetite, pallor. Visually high levels of TSH can be determined by thickening the neck of a pregnant woman. As a rule, when a high level of hormone is detected, pregnant women are prescribed treatment with L-thyroxine.

To indicators TTG it is necessary to concern especially carefully, because of the normal production of hormones not only your health, but also the development of your child, and in some cases the outcome of the entire pregnancy. Any violation of the hormonal background during pregnancy can lead to irreparable consequences, therefore the analysis of TSH should be taken throughout the period of pregnancy. In addition, if you notice one of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek medical advice from your doctor. Please note that taking hormonal preparations alone or treating with folk remedies can seriously damage your baby's health.