Liquid discharge during pregnancy

Often, women with the onset of pregnancy, they note the appearance of liquid secretions of incomprehensible origin. However, their volume and color can be different. Let's try to figure out what this may indicate, and in what cases in the early stages may appear liquid discharge during pregnancy.

Liquid discharge after the recent conception - the norm?

First, it should be noted that in women, according to the physiological characteristics of the reproductive system, the cervical canal of the uterus constantly, almost continuously, produces mucus. During each menstrual cycle, its consistence and volume change. The reason for this is the change in the hormonal background, which in turn is due to the shift phase of the cycle.

Such transformations cease not immediately after conception. That is why quite often a woman already aware of her situation can mark the appearance of excreta. It should be noted that uninvolved, clear liquid discharge in pregnancy may indicate insufficient production of the hormone progesterone. It is he that leads to the fact that with the onset of the gestation period, the cervical mucus thickens and decreases in volume. At a low concentration, this does not happen.

The appearance of liquid secretions during pregnancy can be observed in the second trimester. It is at this time in the body of the future mother is activated estrogen production. This phenomenon is completely normal.

In what cases is liquid excretion during pregnancy a cause for concern?

In those cases when the allocation of a future mother increases in volume or gets a color and smell, you must always seek medical advice.

So, white liquid discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of candidomycosis (thrush). Such a disorder appears, as a rule, at short terms and is associated, first of all, with hormonal changes in the body of a woman. In this case, the discomfort and itching in the vagina are added to the discharge. Literally after 1-2 days of isolation, the cheesy character acquires.

Yellow liquid discharge, appearing during pregnancy, may indicate the presence of an infection in the reproductive system. This is very dangerous for the health of the baby, and can lead to pregnancy fading or spontaneous abortion.

Brown liquid discharge, observed during pregnancy, can be observed with such violations as ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, placental abruption.

Particular attention is paid to liquid excretions in the third trimester of pregnancy, in which women notice abdominal pain. A similar phenomenon can speak of such a violation as leakage of the amniotic fluid, which requires stimulation of the birth process.