Black feces during pregnancy

Very often, while waiting for a child, a woman begins to experience discomfort of all kinds in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be tormented by constipation, diarrhea or flatulence. Especially the future mother worries, why during pregnancy the feces suddenly become black.

Food component

Black feces during pregnancy can be an elementary reaction to eaten food. If a woman consumes a lot of products containing iron (garnets, liver, meat, buckwheat), her feces turn black.

In addition, the use of various berries with black skin or flesh, in large quantities leads to the fact that stool masses have numerous black impregnations. But one should be careful not to confuse them with parasites, which also sometimes have the appearance of black spots. The intake of vitamins and medications can also cause black stool during pregnancy. For example, a woman suffers from flatulence, or she was poisoned, and she took activated charcoal. Even a couple of tablets intensively stains the excrements, and a woman may get scared by noticing such changes in her stool.

Black feces in pregnant women will be mandatory if it takes a vitamin complex that contains iron. This microelement, vital for both the mother and the growing body, always leads to a change in the color of the stool. Some experts believe that it is the high-quality medication that causes blackening of feces, and falsification, which mass in the market of medications, this will not work.

Black feces, as a consequence of the disease

In all of the above cases, black feces during pregnancy are normal, and there is absolutely no cause for concern. But it is quite another matter if a woman has chronic diseases of the internal organs, which can become aggravated during the carrying of the baby.

Why can pregnant feces be black, gastroenterologists know. After all, most often it can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at the most common ones.

The most formidable disease is an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. It can re-open exactly during the bearing of the child, and it is very important to respond to it in time. Black feces often indicate the internal bleeding that has begun.

Blood does not enter unchanged into the intestine, because it becomes black under the action of enzymes. In addition to the even color of the stool, it becomes liquid and there is a general weakness, a painful condition.

Polyps in the intestine, which can increase and give a slight bleeding, causes the feces to turn black. This includes the widening of the veins or internal hemorrhoids. To find out about the actual cause, a consultation of the proctologist will be required.

But in addition to changing the color of the stool in the case of development or relapse of the disease, additional symptoms are noted, such as:

But the pain in the epigastric region does not always take place. So you need to be very attentive to such small things as changing the color of the chair, since this can indicate the problem that has arisen, which must be solved in an emergency.

Hormonal cause

But not everything should develop in this scenario, because most often black feces indicate an active release of hormones. Under their influence, all internal organs undergo changes in their work. So from the very first days of pregnancy, black feces can only testify to its normal development.