How to make powdered sugar?

Without sugar powder, many desserts, cakes and buns seem imperfect. Without it, also not decorate the cakes and do not make a quality sweet or mastic. But what to do if there is no way to go for powder to the store, but she is desperate for decorating dessert? Of course, you can cook it yourself. And home-made sugar powder will save you from unpleasant surprises, which often happen in the case of the purchase of products in the retail chain. So, due to improper storage, it can be excessively wet, have odor odors or contain other impurities that have nothing to do with sugar.

Prepare the powdered sugar at home is not difficult. And the presence of a coffee grinder in your kitchen is not necessary for this purpose. Today we will tell you how you can make sugar powder at home, using a variety of kitchen utensils.

How to make powdered sugar without a coffee grinder?

Sugar powder can be prepared without a coffee grinder as with the use of other gadgets, and grind it by hand. To do this, we need a mortar, some sugar or refined sugar, which we put into it, a fine strainer and a little patience. We rub the sugar crystals well, periodically sifting into another bowl and separating the finished powder, and continue to rub again, pouring a new portion of sugar. Do this way until you get the amount of powder you need.

Some housewives use an ordinary hammer to make powdered sugar. To do this, place sugar between two sheets of paper, or in a tissue bag, tapping with a hammer and sifting. Do the same way until you get the right amount of powder. Instead of a hammer, you can also use a glass bottle filled with water or a rolling pin, rolling it on paper and grinding the grains of sugar under it.

But, of course, the preparation of powder manually takes the lion's share of time and patience. It is much easier to use a blender or, as a last resort, a mixer or a meat grinder for this purpose. We will discuss this in more detail below.

How to make the powdered sugar home blender?

If you have a stationary blender with a bowl, then, in fact, it will successfully replace the coffee grinder used to make the powder. It is enough to pour sugar into the bowl, hold it for a maximum of two minutes at maximum speed, and the powder will be ready. It only remains to sift it from the impurity of unbroken crystals.

In the presence of a submerged blender, the task becomes more complicated, but it is not impracticable. To make the powder, turn the blender's leg with the knives up. We fall asleep in the groove under them sugar, cover with two layers of food film and squeeze properly to close also the side holes in the petals of the foot of the blender (if any). Fix the film in the place where the blender's petals end, moving to the constriction to the rod, and turn on the blender without turning it. We grind sugar for two minutes, shaking a little.

Then we sift the powder and repeat the process if necessary.

How to make a powdered sugar mixer?

Most stationary mixers with a bowl have a knife cap. If you also have such a device, then with his help you can easily cook sugar powder from sugar. It is enough to fill the last one in the mixer's container and after a few minutes of the appliance work, get the ready-made powdered sugar, which will only be sifted.

Whichever way you cook sugar powder its sweet taste can be diversified by adding vanilla, cinnamon or other condiments.