Dishes from soya

In its raw form, soybeans are bitter and hard, but when properly processed, products with a delicate taste are given: soy milk, soy sauce , tofu and, of course, soybean oil. The main derivatives of soybean - soy meat, soy flour and sprouted soybeans provide an opportunity to prepare hot first courses, traditional meat, desserts, sweet pastries and snacks. Soy dishes are not only a first-class analogue of products of animal origin, but also a rich source of protein.

Which dishes can be made from soy?

Consider the recipes using the soy beans themselves as the main ingredient. Before tasty soy sauce, soak the beans for ten hours, then boil a couple of hours in the water.

Shish kebab from soy meat

Before the preparation of soy meat requires preliminary preparation. Before you prepare a dish from soya at home, you should soak the dried meat in hot water for a quarter of an hour, then follow the instructions of the cooking technology. Below is one of the possible ways of preparing soy meat in the form of a shish kebab.



  1. Prepared soy meat lay in a pan, add lemon juice, onion rings, chopped dill and season with pepper.
  2. Hold the meat in the marinade for a couple of hours, then thread on skewers, alternating with onions and tomatoes.
  3. Fry on charcoal for a quarter of an hour, pour oil and serve to the table.

Soybean pie



  1. One of the simplest dishes is soya pate, in which the main ingredient is soya beans, is blended in the blender along with the greens of choice, with salt and a small amount of soy milk.
  2. The ready-to-serve mass is served as usual liver pate, as a snack on toast and crackers.

Soy Cutlets



  1. Another alternative is soy cutlets, for which soybeans scrolled through a meat grinder combine with chopped onion and garlic, supplement with spices and form.
  2. Prepared meatballs can be baked or fried.

Cheese tofu

Another tasty dish made from soy can be prepared quickly and, importantly, without imposing costs.



  1. Traditional Chinese product from soy - cheese tofu, is prepared for a couple of hours from simple and affordable ingredients.
  2. In the soy milk is added lemon juice.
  3. Curd milk is infused under the lid for about 10 minutes, and the resulting soy flakes are spread on gauze under pressure and are cooked for an hour. After that, the finished product is placed in cold water, where it spends an hour before the end of cooking.