Decoration of Easter cakes

It's not enough just to bake a delicious cake , it's still necessary to serve it nicely. Decoration of cakes is a simple matter, if you decide to stop on a simple coating with icing , but the decor can also be varied with the help of available confectionery materials, like mastic. More details about possible ways of decor in this material.

Decoration Easter cakes for Easter mastic

The easiest way to decorate with mastic is one, for the embodiment of which simple figured cuttings are used. With the help of the latter, you can form a wide variety of contours from the mastic. We decided to dwell on a simple floral design.

First, cover the cake with a thick layer of thick sugar glaze.

Roll out the mastic of the desired color, cut out the flowers with the help of cutting.

Spread the flowers on the glaze until it has frozen, and then leave everything to dry.

Decorating cake with flowers, you can additionally paint it with colored glaze or special sweet pencils, which during the Easter holidays can be found in any market.

Decorating cakes with your own hands

The original decorations for cakes from mastic can be more voluminous, like the figures of these chickens, which will look funny on glazed tops.

Take a piece of yellow mastic, give it an egg-shaped shape.

Another piece of mastic rolled into a small sausage, cut it in half and flatten it, pressing harder on one of the ends. You have wings that can be attached to the body of a chick with a drop of water.

Blind a piece of orange mastic in the cone and attach it to the head of the chick. Use a toothpick to mark the mouth.

It remains to attach a pair of eyes, in the form of balls of black mastic and ready.

Options for decorating Easter cakes with icing

The standard glaze decor also can look interesting. For example, if you cover the top with glaze, you can sprinkle it with candied fruits, not sugar powder.

In the glaze, you can add melted chocolate or cocoa to add chocolate flavor and color. In addition to chocolate in the glaze, you can add fruit or berry puree, or ordinary food color. From the top glaze can be sprinkled with sugar beads, candied fruits, dried fruits or chopped nuts.

Another idea of ​​decorating Easter cakes is merenga. Dry small homemade meringues and attach them to a glazed top of the cake.

Using different simple techniques for decorating Easter cakes, you can create unrivaled compositions that will certainly attract attention and surely will please, especially the little ones with whom these ornaments can be made together.