An abscess on the finger - treatment

Sometimes the usual abrasions, poor quality manicure and cuts on the fingers cause the appearance of abscesses on the fingers. They are manifested by redness, jerking pain and swelling. Treatment for an abscess on the finger should be carried out as quickly as possible, otherwise it can provoke a deep penetration of the infection and a rise in body temperature.

Drugs for the treatment of abscesses

If you choose pharmacy medicines to treat the abscess on your arm or leg, then pay attention to Vishnevsky's ointment. This remedy was developed by the surgeon Vasily Alexandrovich Vishnevsky. Ointment is a balsamic liniment. It includes birch tar, natural castor oil and bismuth salt xerobes and it has a good antiseptic and wound-healing effect. True, this ointment from abscesses on the fingers has a specific smell, so many do not use it.

Another effective drug that helps to get rid of purulent inflammation is Levomekol . This ointment is applied for 10-12 hours to the affected area and already in the morning all pus flows. Levomekol is often used to treat a finger abscess at the nail, since this product has analgesic properties.

Folk methods of treatment of an abscess

Treatment abscess on the toe or hand can be done and with the help of folk medicine. For example, it relieves inflammation and helps to get rid of the pus of aloe leaves. The juice of this plant should be tied to the inflamed area at night. In addition, help to cope with this problem:

  1. Kashitsa from the leaves of plantain - an excellent ancient method. Leaf of plantain (fresh) should be crushed and put on a sore spot, fixing all the bandage. This bandage should be changed every 3-4 hours.
  2. Unsalted fat of nutria, very finely chopped, mix well with a chopped onion and attach to an abscess.
  3. In hot saturated soda solution, you need to hold your finger for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  4. Boiled in milk onions should be primed to an abscess and replaced every 5 hours.
  5. A cake of grated baked onion and grated baby soap is also very effective. Put the cake on the affected area for 5 hours. Before treating the abscess on the finger with this method, wipe the finger with a decoction of chamomile.

If you make compresses, then between the attachments, always disinfect the damage site. To do this, wipe the skin with a solution of iodine, salt or soda.