Than to treat streptoderma in children?

One of the skin diseases that children can get is streptoderma. It begins with the appearance of pink spots, which fill with liquid and burst, forming a wound. It eventually becomes crusted. It is a contagious disease that is easily transmitted by physical contact. The cause of the disease is streptococcal infection. The disease needs prompt treatment. In order for it to be successful, the doctor must first determine the type of streptoderma. After diagnosis, the doctor will give the necessary recommendations.

How quickly to treat streptodermia in children?

Treatment of the disease involves the elimination of the pathogen in the body. It is also important not to rip off the formed crust. The dermatologist will definitely determine the better treatment for streptoderma.

To treat the skin around the focus of streptoderma, prescribe antiseptic drugs in the form of alcohol solutions. They can not be applied to natural folds and under the scalp.

Treatment of the lesion itself can be fucorcine. It is an effective tool and it dries well.

In some cases, treatment with ointments with antibiotics, for example, erythromycin or lincomycin, is required. Apply it after the fucock is dried. What kind of ointment to treat streptodermia, should tell the doctor. Also, antihistamines may be prescribed to help reduce itching.

In order to accelerate the process of recovery, it is recommended to observe the following:

It is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations and prescriptions of a dermatologist, so as not to aggravate the situation.