Atopic dermatitis in children - treatment

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common non-infectious diseases in children. According to some reports, the proportion of atopic dermatitis among allergic diseases reaches 75%. In this regard, the problem of effective and safe treatment of atopic dermatitis in children remains relevant.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis should be complex and individually selected. Modern therapy includes:

Diet in children with atopic dermatitis

Dietary restrictions are very important in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, especially for young children. When compiling a menu of a child with atopic dermatitis, the following most allergenic foods should be eliminated from the diet: chicken eggs, cow's milk and chicken meat. Also, avoid giving the baby peanuts, fish, wheat, soy. Children under 3 years of age are not allowed canned food, sausages, strawberries, chocolate, honey and citrus. In addition, when atopic dermatitis is not recommended to give children raw vegetables of orange and red flowers: a pumpkin, carrots, beets. These products are well tolerated in cooked or baked form. Categorically prohibited and products that do not grow in our climatic conditions: bananas, kiwi, pineapples.

The supplementary feeding of children with atopic dermatitis can be administered only on the background of an improvement or a lull in the development of the disease. On the skin there should be no fresh rashes, the general condition is close to satisfactory. Children, whose diagnosis was diagnosed before the introduction of complementary foods, should not be fed before 6 months, they should be on breastfeeding as long as possible.

Nutrition of a child with atopic dermatitis should be balanced, but not diverse. Choose low-fat varieties of meat: beef, rabbit, turkey. Useful for children with cereal allergy: oatmeal, buckwheat.

All dishes should be steamed or boiled, fried and smoked to children with atopic dermatitis can not. When preparing dishes, you do not need to add spices and spices, and you should also limit salt and sugar.

Medication for atopic dermatitis

Modern treatment of atopic dermatitis includes the use of systemic agents and external therapy. Common drugs include antihistamines, which are prescribed in the period of acute exacerbation for the manifestation of a sedative effect. Also, enterosorbents and enzymes are used to correct intestinal flora and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

In cases of severe atopic dermatitis, children are indicated for the appointment of glucocorticosteroids, which are applied topically. They effectively suppress the components of allergic inflammation, cause vasoconstriction and remove swelling. For the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children recommended the use of creams and ointments that are relatively safe for the child's body and show a positive effect in the first days. To such preparations carry elokom and advantan .

In addition to drug treatment, in the treatment of young children, various lotions and moist-drying dressings are recommended: sulfur, tar, clay, fucorcin, Castellani liquid. Parents need to ensure the humidity of the environment for the baby's skin, long bathing is not recommended, especially in hot water, and bathing and hygiene products should be carefully selected.

All activities in the complex are able not only to facilitate the child's vital functions, but also to permanently rid him of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.