Why does the child often blink his eyes?

Any problems that affect the organs of vision are serious enough and require immediate resolution, especially if it concerns children. Sometimes there is a situation where the child for some reason often begins to blink his eyes. With this you need to contact an ophthalmologist or a children's neurologist.

Why did the child often blink his eyes?

The grounds for frequent blinking can be many, here are the main ones:

  1. Concussion.
  2. Severe illnesses with the use of potent agents.
  3. Nervous tic - various neurological abnormalities, when muscles contract spontaneously.
  4. Reducing the clarity of vision, when the child often frowns and blinks his eyes.
  5. Heredity plays an important role in the onset of the blink reflex.
  6. Deviation in the structure and operation of the eye.
  7. Trauma of the eye, which went unnoticed.
  8. Various conflict situations in the family and the team, where there is a child.
  9. The child is a lot of time is near the computer, TV, tablet and he has a "dry eye" syndrome.

What if the child often blinks his eyes?

If the kid is obviously a lot of time watching cartoons, then he should not just cut, but forbid access to broadcast media. During the refusal of the TV and the computer, parents are encouraged to drip the eyes of the child with moisturizing drops such as "artificial tear".

If a foreign body gets into the glazier, or if it is injured, then as a first aid it should be washed with a solution of furacilin or chamomile, make a lotion, and go to the emergency department as soon as possible.

In the case when the blink is of a neurotic nature, along with the sedatives that the neurologist will prescribe to the child, it is necessary to create a favorable, friendly home environment. An excellent result gives ordering the way of life of the baby, when the whole family adheres to a certain regime.