Symptoms of swine flu in children

It is quite difficult to distinguish between swine flu and normal or banal ARI. But parents should be alert: this disease is insidious enough and can lead to serious complications. Therefore, we will consider what are the main symptoms of swine flu in a child and what manifestations are specific for this disease.

The most important signs of the disease

According to doctors, to put this diagnosis in an older child is much easier. After all, he can tell about his painful sensations quite accurately. But the symptoms of swine flu in young children are difficult to identify, because they can then appear, then disappear again.

The incubation period of the disease does not exceed three days, after which the infected baby begins to complain about:

When studying the symptoms of swine flu in a child, it should be remembered that they largely coincide with similar symptoms caused by common strains. Sometimes your son or daughter feels worsened already the next day after contact with the patient.

Often, the gastrointestinal tract reacts actively to the virus, so that the baby can suffer from severe diarrhea, which can lead to severe dehydration, vomiting and general intoxication of the whole organism. Distributed and complications from the respiratory system such as pneumonia, which can lead to even a fatal outcome.

Note that the main symptoms of swine flu in children include full apathy, decreased motor activity, pain when swallowing, problems with urination, skin irritation even after lowering body temperature and shortness of breath. The younger the little patient, the more serious the nature of his illness can be.

If you are wondering what symptoms of swine flu in children are distinctive, remember one feature of this disease. The child will complain of a headache in the forehead area, when he feels like a weight gain in the area of ​​the superciliary arches. It is also difficult for him to open his eyes completely because of the severity of the eyelids and the pain that is being drilled.

If the cough becomes wet, cramps and unconsciousness occur, blood pressure drops, and the temperature does not decrease within 3 days, treatment will have to be continued in the hospital.

Signs of swine flu in children up to a year: how to detect it in time?

This disease is extremely dangerous for babies, since even breast milk, not to mention infants fed on artificial feeding, does not give a strong immunity to the virus. Sometimes mom does not notice the manifestations of the insidious virus in time, confusing him with a common cold. To tell you, whether you really encountered this insidious strain, the following symptoms of swine flu in an infant will help you:

It should be remembered that this virus multiplies very quickly. Therefore, if you suspect this diagnosis and you think that you are seeing most of the most important signs of swine flu in children, immediately call an ambulance. Most likely, the baby, who was not even a year old, will need immediate hospitalization.