Stew of pork with potatoes

Favorite by many a combination of potatoes and meat is suitable for a big dinner on the day off, when you can collect all the relatives at a large table, and for a snack on a typical day - you can cook a pork stew with potatoes in the oven in a serving pot.

Stew in pots

The proportions are calculated for 4 portions.



Salo is cut as small as possible and gently weighed fat on a hot frying pan. Onions and carrots are cleaned, washed. Luchok shinkuem finely, and carrots can be cut larger, and can and small cubes - a matter of taste. On the fat, lightly simmer onions and carrots - until the color changes, and as a substrate distribute the passivation in the pots. Cut the meat into portions, lightly fry in the same frying pan in which the vegetables were stewed. Meat should be made with a crust, so we increase the fire to the maximum. We clean and cut potatoes with slices, chop the garlic in any convenient way. On the substrate we put meat, then - garlic and potatoes. Solim and pepper, you can use a mixture of dry spices - most importantly, without glutamate. In each pot, add half a glass of warm water. You can season each portion with a small amount of tomato or sour cream, but this is not necessary. We cover the pots and send them to a preheated oven, where they will languish on average fire for about an hour. Ready-made stew is served with a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, fresh herbs.

There are several ways how to cook a stew of pork with potatoes for a large family. To do this, you need either a large cauldron or a saucepan.

Stew of pork with potatoes, aubergines, peppers and cabbage



Preheat the fat and, putting the fire on a maximum, fry the pieces of pork until a uniform crust. Next, we cook under the lid. We clean vegetables, onion shredded cubes, carrots three large, potatoes we cut slices, cabbage - short strips, pepper - short thick straws. Eggplant cut into cubes and soak for half an hour in cold water. When the meat is golden (minutes 2), put onions and carrots, reduce the heat and stew, stirring, for 20 minutes. Then put the potatoes, eggplants, pour in 1 glass of water or broth and leave the minutes for 10. Add pepper and cabbage, again waiting for 10 minutes. The last stage - salt, pepper, put the garlic squeezed through the press and finely chopped greens. We are waiting for minute 2 and leave for half an hour under the lid to brew.

You can cook a stew of pork with potatoes in a multivark. For this, we prepare the prepared products in batches in the household appliance: the meat for half an hour, then add all the vegetables, mix, close and in the "Quenching" mode, prepare another 30 minutes. If you prepare everything in the morning and set a timer, then by evening you can get a tasty, satisfying dish without tiring preparation. Stew of pork on a bone with potatoes is prepared a little longer - the meat will take about 40 minutes to prepare.