How to fry seeds in a microwave oven?

If you are tormented in guesses whether it is possible to fry seeds in a microwave oven, then this article will dispel all your doubts and help successfully implement the first experience of cooking the product in a microwave oven.

In this kind of device, you can fry sunflower seeds, pumpkins, and fill them with additional taste, soaking in the process. About how to do it correctly, the recipes below.

How to fry the seeds in a microwave with salt?



As well as before the traditional frying in a frying pan, seeds need to be thoroughly rinsed under running warm water, then spread them on paper or a towel and thoroughly dry. You can dry them right away in the microwave, in which case it takes a little longer to fry.

About half a teaspoon of salt dissolve in a teaspoon of water, sprinkle with the resulting solution of the seeds and mix. If you want to make seeds with a classic unsalted taste, then this stage is skipped.

For frying, place the product in a wide bowl with a small layer suitable for cooking in a microwave oven, put it in a device that is tuned to 800 watts and turn on the timer for two minutes. After this, the seeds are mixed and set for the same time to be fried at the same capacity. Repeat the cycles until the desired result is achieved, reducing the interval after the third cycle to one minute during cooking.

How delicious to fry pumpkin seeds in a microwave oven?



Raw pumpkin seeds that are only extracted from the pumpkin fruit should be dried for several days in the air before proceeding with the frying. They can be rinsed beforehand, but this can do, if you want to get a more intense pumpkin taste.

In other respects, the technological process of frying pumpkin seeds in a microwave oven is identical to that described above. Place the product in a bowl in a thin layer and place in a microwave oven for two minutes. After that, a bowl with seeds is taken out, we mix the contents and return it to the microwave. Repeat the cycles until the desired condition of the seeds, reducing the time to one minute.

Just like in the case of sunflower seeds, pumpkin product can be salted before cooking, sprinkling with a saturated saline solution and mixing well.