Inflammation of the knee joint - treatment at home

A fairly common affliction affecting the joints is inflammation, which is formed in the knee. The main complaints of the patient are limited mobility and severe pain. Due to the impossibility of resting limbs prescribed by a doctor, medications may not be sufficiently effective. Treatment of inflammation of the knee joint at home has high efficiency and allows you to get a good result, only with systematic and lengthy courses of procedures.

Medication for inflammation of the knee joint

To stop pain during the stages of exacerbations, anti-inflammatory drugs are essential. They are able to quickly remove the pain syndrome, eliminate excessive swelling and stop the further development of the disease.

To medicines intended for internal use, carry:

In the period between exacerbations the patient is prescribed chondroprotectors, which include Teraflex, Arthra. The drugs are aimed at strengthening joint tissues and preventing from destruction.

With inflammation of the knee joint for treatment resort to the use of ointments:

They lubricate the affected area approximately every four hours.

Also effective are special plasters Nanoplast and Voltaren, which are glued on the sick site for a period of 12 to 24 hours. In general, the duration of treatment can be up to twenty days.

Treatment of knee inflammation with folk remedies

Home remedies are effective enough. However, it is worth remembering that they can resort to their use only by agreement with the doctor. Consider a series of activities that accelerate recovery:

  1. Reception of medical baths, in which only diseased limbs are submerged. The course consists of five procedures, which are repeated every two days. In the water advise to add decoctions of pine or spruce needles.
  2. Potato compresses also help with inflammation of the tendon of the knee joint as an additional measure in treatment. To do this, the ground potatoes are heated in a water bath and distributed over a piece of gauze, which is then fixed to the diseased area.
  3. It is also convenient to rub the joints with string infusion or by ready-made products, such as formic alcohol , pepper tincture or camphor alcohol. The treatment is done before bed, and for the night the limb is wrapped in a scarf.