Herniated lumbar spine - symptoms

Hernia in the lumbar spine can lead to jamming of the nerve endings. If after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease do not contact the doctor, vertebrae can squeeze and spinal cord. In complex cases, the disease leads to paralysis of the legs. Let's consider, what basic signs at a hernia of a lumbar department of a backbone.

Pain in the hernia of the lumbar spine

Of all the symptoms of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine, the pain appears first. For the early stage of the disease, pain is felt only in the lower back. The pain is always dull and has a aching character. If the patient makes sudden movements or is long in a sitting position, it becomes worse. Pain sensations completely disappear only when a person lies down.

With the development of the disease, pain does not pass, but its strength changes. The larger the size of the hernia, the stronger the roots and the spinal cord are compressed. With the progression of this ailment, patients notice an increase in pain, if they:

If you knock on the spinous processes in the lumbar region, many people with this disease have severe sharp pain in their lower limbs. The absence of treatment for a hernia at this stage of the disease development is the reason for a strong increase in the strength of pain. In a few months they become shooting.

If the rootlets of different parts of the spine are damaged (for example, thoracic and lumbar, as in the hernia of Schmorl), the symptoms may appear not only in the lower back. In such cases, pain will always be given to other parts of the body: the back of the feet, chest, buttocks, hips, legs. At the same time, painful sensations completely disappear when the patient lies on her side and flexes her leg.

Vertebral syndrome with a lumbar hernia

Constant pain causes muscle spasms in the back and waist regions. In this regard, not only significantly increases pain, but there is a restriction of mobility. At this stage of the development of the disease, the patient can not quickly or fully unbend his back. As a result, there are such symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine, such as:

In many patients, this causes various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Radicular syndrome with a lumbar hernia

Symptoms of the hernia of the spine (lumbosacral or any other department) include the radicular syndrome. This is due to the fact that the roots of the spinal cord in this disease are squeezed, and after a while they die. As a result, the patient's diet worsens. The manifestations of radicular syndrome include:

If the hernia protrudes back, the spinal cord is squeezed. This can lead to severe paralysis in a short period of time. Such hernias of the lumbar spine have special symptoms and contraindications. For example, patients with this diagnosis always have intermittent claudication , and they are forbidden to walk for long.