Karlovy Vary salt - application for weight loss and in cosmetology

The natural product obtained as a result of the process of evaporation of water, which is taken from medicinal sources in Karlovy Vary - Karlovy Vary salt. It has a unique chemical composition, so it can be recommended as a remedy.

Karlovy Vary salt - composition

If you look at the chemical composition, then this salt is most similar to the balance of macro- and microelements in the human body. The natural product contains more than 40 elements. The Karlovy Vary geyser salt is an ecologically pure product, the basic composition of which is potassium and sodium sulfate, hydrogen carbonate and sodium chloride. These substances comprehensively influence the organism, contributing to its purification.

Karlovy Vary salt - mechanism of action

Pharmaceutics produces a product that is a salt laxative that exerts a cholagogic effect on the body. If you dissolve the mineral in water, you will get a drinking medicinal-table water.

  1. The composition contains hydrocarbonate ions, which improve the secretion of the stomach, liver and intestines. They also stimulate the motility of the stomach.
  2. Karlovy Vary mineral salt reduces the production of uric acid, speeding up the process of its excretion.
  3. A rich chemical composition positively affects the condition of bone tissue.
  4. The compounds of sulfate ions and calcium help to tighten the walls of the vessels and improve the work of the enzyme system of the liver.
  5. The Karlovy Vary drinking salt contains sodium cations that improve the process of removing water from the body by the kidneys.
  6. The temperature of the mineral water is important and if the liquid is warm, it will reduce the intestinal motility and lead to stool retention, and cold, on the contrary.

Salt from Karlovy Vary - application

Doctors recommend using this product for rehabilitation therapy and to reduce the risk of a number of diseases:

  1. In the digestive organs: constipation, chronic pancreatitis, ulcer, dysbacteriosis and others.
  2. In the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis.
  3. In the metabolism: diabetes, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis . Karlovy Vary geyser salt, the use of which is also effective for obesity, is used in many hospitals.
  4. In the genitourinary system: various inflammations and adhesions.
  5. Recommended Carlsbad salt for the normalization of water-electrolyte metabolism, with dehydration, hangover and weight loss.

Karlovy Vary salt for weight loss

If you want to throw a few extra pounds, you should pay attention to Karlovy Vary salt, which helps normalize metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines and improves the digestive system. Do not forget about the diuretic effect, thanks to which you can forget about swelling. Note that the Karlovy Vary salt works only if the person adheres to a balanced and low-calorie diet.

To lose weight, it is recommended to take salt baths regularly, using no more than 2 hours of spoons per procedure. In addition, you need to know how to drink Karlovy Vary salt for weight loss, and to prepare a useful solution you need 1 tbsp. water take 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. Take this drink should be 2 times a day for half an hour before meals. Use the solution for more than 4 weeks is not recommended. If there is a strong dilution of the stool, be sure to reduce the dosage.

Karlovy Vary salt for bowel cleansing

Mineral water is recommended if there are various problems associated with the digestive system. Karlovy Vary salt is often used for purification as a laxative and as a source of important micro- and macroelements. It helps to restore the intestinal microflora and has a choleretic effect. To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is necessary in 0.5 tbsp. warm water (40 ° C) dissolve 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. It is important to know how to drink Karlovy Vary salt, so take a solution on an empty stomach in small sips and preferably through a tube.

Karlovy Vary salt in cosmetology

To benefit from this unique product, it can be taken not only inward, but also externally. It has long been used Karlovy Vary salt for the face, as it increases the elasticity of the skin and smooths the color. With regular use, premature aging can be prevented. In cosmetology, salt baths are used, and also they are made on the basis of solutions of wrapping and lotion. The first option is the easiest and most popular.

  1. In the bath, draw water, which should have a temperature of 37-38 ° C. Pour into it 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
  2. For wrapping and rubbing the face, another composition is taken: the natural Karlovy Vary geyser salt is taken in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water.