Youth elixir

For many centuries, mankind has been seeking a means to prolong life and preserve health - the so-called elixir of youth. There are a lot of popular recipes for this miracle drink, but not all of them have sufficient effectiveness from the scientific and medical point of view.

Recipe for Youth Elixir

Slow down the aging process is the only way: take antioxidants and at the same time cleanse the body of harmful compounds.

A good result can be obtained through the following recipe:

  1. In 1.5 liters of home-made apple cider vinegar, add 300 g of garlic gruel along with the juice and 500 g onion pulp (without pre-pressing).
  2. Mix the ingredients well, insist for 24 hours in a place without access to light, periodically shake the contents of the container.
  3. Strain the solution and gradually add to it 1 liter of liquid flower honey.
  4. Drink elixir every day once a day for 20 ml (4 teaspoons). At the same time, slowly swallow the medicine and take a break for 60 seconds after each serving.
  5. The course lasts until the finished solution is finished. You can repeat it after 1 year.

It should be noted that the proposed recipe contributes not only to the slowing down of the aging process, but also produces a very favorable effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and musculoskeletal systems. The elixir removes toxins, poisons, radionuclides, free radicals from the body, reduces the level of cholesterol and serves as the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Elixir of youth from garlic with lemon and honey

This means is also called a cure for old age, it is not difficult to prepare it:

  1. Grind in a blender or meat grinder 0.4 kg of garlic, as much horseradish root, 8 medium lemons (with skin), 4 kg of celery root and mix the pulp with 0.4 kg of honey.
  2. Place the mass in a glass container and cover it with gauze, tightly fixing the cloth instead of the lid.
  3. Leave the product for 12 hours in a warm place, the temperature should be about 30 degrees, and then put in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the present mixture, pour it into a glass bottle.
  5. Drink three times a day for 1 dessert spoon, about 15-20 minutes before a meal, until the solution is over.

Before you make the garlic elixir of youth, specify if you have diseases (especially chronic) of the gastrointestinal tract, since the combination of the ingredients of the medication often causes heartburn, increased acidity and an increase in the amount of bile.

Tibetan Youth Elixir

As you know, Tibet monks live very long, and they practically do not suffer from heart diseases, metabolic disorders or blood pressure jumps. The secret of their youth and health:

  1. About 420-430 grams of garlic is well chopped and mixed with freshly squeezed juice from 24 lemons.
  2. Pour the solution into a glass jar, tie the neck with a clean light cloth.
  3. Insist in a cold place for 24 days.
  4. Daily to drink 1 teaspoon of medicine, pre-shaking the elixir and mixing it with half a glass of thawed water.
  5. Continue the course for at least 15 days.

How to cook the eastern elixir of youth?

The described agent is preferred mainly by women, because it improves the color and texture of the facial skin, helps to smooth wrinkles, strengthen hair and increase their density.


  1. Mix 100 ml of fresh lemon juice, 50 ml of olive oil of 1 st spin and 200 g of any natural honey.
  2. Take 5 ml of elixir daily, before breakfast.

You can prepare every morning a fresh medicine, observing the proportions of lemon juice, olive oil and honey in an amount of 1: 0.5: 2, respectively.