Apple cider vinegar at home

Thanks to the work of modern transport services to eat fresh apples we can not only in the season. From year-round available fruits you can cook jams and compotes, bake pies, make juices or even house vinegar, which can be used not only for cooking recipes, but also for beauty recipes. How to make apple cider vinegar at home you will learn from this article.

How to make homemade apple cider vinegar?

In order to make apple cider vinegar by one's own hands it is necessary: ​​first to monitor the intake of oxygen, because the bacteria that perform fermentation need it very much, and secondly, to monitor the temperature, which should lie in the range from +15 to +30 degrees.

Apple vinegar - recipe number 1



Before making apple cider vinegar, 1 kg of apples should be washed, cleaned and passed through a press or crushed in a mortar. The whole mass, together with the pulp, must be mixed with sugar at the rate of 50 g per 1 kg of apples. It is not necessary to add the yeast, but if you want to speed up the fermentation process, one small pinch will be enough.

We put the apple mass in an enamel saucepan and pour it with water so that apples are covered by it for 3 cm. We leave the pan in a warm place without access to direct sunlight, for two weeks, without forgetting to regularly mix the mass so that it does not dry out from above. After the time all the liquid from the apples must be filtered through 3 layers of gauze and leave to wander in the banks for another 2 weeks. After that time, the home-made apple cider vinegar will be ready and it can be gently poured into bottles (that is, without sediment and turbidity), which are better then properly corked and stored in a dark, warm place.

Apple vinegar - recipe number 2

Another recipe for apple cider vinegar was invented by Dr. DS. Jarvis, and according to the developer, thanks to this recipe, all the basic and most useful properties of the product remain.



Wash apples rubbed on a grater, put in a jar and fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 1 (i.e., 1 l of apples, 1 l of water, 2 kg - 2 l of water, respectively). In the same mixture, add 100 g of honey, a little yeast and breadcrumbs of black bread, to accelerate the fermentation. We cover the dishes with apple mass with one layer of gauze and leave it in a dark, warm place for 10 days, again without forgetting stirring 2-3 times a day with a wooden spoon or spatula (in order not to oxidize the contents of the canal). After, again filter the liquid through several layers of gauze and weigh, not forgetting to take away the weight of the bottle. For each liter of liquid, add another 50 g of honey and mix well. Dishes with apple liquid are loosely clogged with gauze and leave to ferment for 40-50 days. A sign that vinegar is ready will become its full transparency, when the term of after-fermentation will expire, vinegar will need to be filtered again.

Apple vinegar - recipe number 3

Apple cider vinegar can be cooked in a simpler way, though for him we need a bottle of fermented cider and a little bit of ready-made natural apple cider vinegar. To 500 ml of cider, add 50 ml of vinegar and cover the dishes for fermentation with gauze, in order to avoid foreign bacteria getting into it from the air, because we only need acetic acid bacteria that will reproduce and multiply in the already fermented cider. The fermentation process should take place in a standard warm and dark place for 6-8 weeks. As a result, the concentration of finished vinegar will be about 5%. Readiness is checked for taste - absence of smell and taste of alcohol means that the product is usable.

Let it not bother you for a long time cooking apple cider vinegar at home, because the final product will be absolutely natural, unlike the diluted concentrate offered on supermarket shelves.