Strong man

In society for centuries it is believed that a man must be strong. After all, it's so compelling that women like strong men, and everyone wants to see a person next to you, so you can completely rely on him, forget about all the sorrows and worries and just relax, leaning on a reliable and strong man's shoulder.

A real strong man is determined, active and persistent. With him you can not be afraid of anything and be a weak woman. For many years, a man in the eyes of a fair sex makes him responsible for children and spouses, courage in resolving difficult situations and working capacity.

Today, the majority of married couples can be divided into two types of unions:

In reality, life with strong men is far from cloudless. They also have serious shortcomings with which a woman has to put up, what seems romantic during courtship, can disappoint in a life together.

Disadvantages of strong men

  1. A strong man feels himself to be the head of the family and her earner, so the attempt at self-realization is viewed as something that the wife does not believe in him. Over time, the wife is gradually deprived of the opportunity to work, study, meet with girlfriends, have fun without a spouse.
  2. It happens that a man does not mind that the spouse worked, but he at the same time underestimates the value of her work, considering such work as nothing more than a toy for a languishing woman.
  3. Also there are perfectionists - a special type of strong men. He tries in every way to make his wife an ideal: he forces his wife to work and study only where, in his opinion, prestigious that she meets his standards, and he could boast of it among his colleagues and friends. A woman is separated from the world and her desires. She feels herself to be infantile, completely dependent, in the worst case sick and depressed. Such mental torment can contribute to the development of real diseases. The lack of freedom and self-expression contributes to the occurrence of headaches, depression, allergies. It turns out that a woman gives her freedom for the opportunity to be weak.
  4. The downside of the confidence and responsibility of a strong man is that he decides everything himself for his wife too, only he knows what and how to do correctly, and to achieve the desired result, everything must be under control, which is sometimes very intrusive and goes into despotism. A woman feels dependent on her spouse, offended that her wishes and opinions are not taken into account.
  5. The ability to protect oneself is turned into irritability and conflict, and any statement of one's opinion can lead to a scandal. The man is the main one and this is not discussed.

Often women do not know how to interact with a strong man in order to save a relationship and not lose oneself. First of all, he needs complete submission, in exchange providing care and protection. However, having achieved submission, a man loses interest and respect for a woman. When a young lady resists and challenges the influence of her husband, Begins a series of endless conflicts that lead to divorce.

Women are also not consistent: they want to be weak and lean on a man, but they do not like being in a dependent position and obeying him. I want to show power and independence. When a man allows it, they complain about his weakness. It turns out that a strong and weak man does not fit a woman fully. One does not allow her to express herself, and the other does not allow you to relax and feel like a woman. On the other hand, ideal people do not exist and in the end everything depends on ourselves.