Why does the cat bitch on the bed?

Education from the first days

It's hard to argue with the opinion that cats are the sweetest and kindest pets. They not only please with their attention, devotion, but also are capable of leading a person out of depression.

Experienced owners of cats checked and proven that their education should begin to be engaged from the first days of life. It is not recommended to accustom a small kitten to the bed, otherwise you can be surprised when he pushes on the bed. Unfortunately, it is difficult to trace the first period of a kitten's life on its own, as, usually, we take, or buy a kitten of a monthly age or older. Probably every cat owner had to accustom her to the pot. Alas, not always your efforts lead to a positive result.


Let's see why cats start to crap. A very important point is the conditions in which your cat lived before you came to your house. One of the main reasons is a change of residence. The cat gets used to certain conditions of life: where to sleep, what you can and what not, where to go to the toilet . Therefore, with a change in the house, the cat may become confused and begin to foul wherever she wants.

The second important reason is habit. If before the cat had scraped into a pot of sand, and you decided to improve her toilet, and bought her a new tray, or a pot without sand, the pet will not be able to appreciate your efforts. The change of her personal space can lead to the cat searching for "another pot".

Badly educated?

More than once I heard that it's not a kitten that kills, but an adult cat. Consider the reasons why she does it.

First of all, it can be associated with various diseases, ranging from worms and ending with urolithiasis in cats . If you are not sure what exactly is happening to your adult python and why she started to crap, call a veterinarian.

Another option, why the adult cat shits, is the age of the animal. Old age is a difficult, transitional period, like any animal, and human. The cat is broken many functions: attention, consideration, reaction. Nervous signals become weaker. Sometimes there is a feeling that before making a dirty trick, the cat goes for a long time around the apartment and chooses the most secluded place: on the bed, on the carpet, in the closet with clothes.

So, let's find out why cats shit on the bed. There is an opinion that a cat, like a teenager, has a transition period. At this time, cats become more characteristic, and also, are able to experience loneliness, jealousy. Kidding on the bed, the cat takes revenge for not paying enough attention to her.

In some cases, when an adult cat suddenly shit on the bed, it may mean that the pet is somewhat worried, perhaps in this way, it gives a signal that it is very sick.

Unfortunately, cats do not know how to speak, so we, their masters, have to guess what they mean by meowing or purring.

Give your cat more attention, watch her, bring her up, love her, and show her your love.