Cherry "Kharitonovskaya" - description of the variety

This kind of cherry is obtained by crossing the other two, namely - Zhukovskaya and Almaz. In 1998, Kharitonovskaya variety was introduced to the State Register for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya - description

The tree has an average size, the height of the cherry Kharitonovskaya is from 2 to 3.5 meters. The crown is spherical, its density and density are medium. Shoots also have an average length, straight, in color - brownish brown.

The buds on the shoots are pointed, conical in shape, pressed against the branch, reddish-brown. The leaves of Kharitonovskaya are large, dark green, elliptical in shape, with a smooth surface. Edge of leaf is large-serrate.

Petioles are of average length and thickness, stipules are strongly dissected and early-reaching. The flowers are white, rather large. Fruits are formed on shoots and bouquet branches of the last year.

When describing the variety of cherry Kharitonovskaya, one can not do without the characteristics of the fruit itself: they are rather large, approximately 18x16 mm, weighing 5 grams. The shape of the cherries is rounded, all the fruits are one-dimensional. The top is rounded, the base with a small depression, the funnel is small, the pit is medium. The color of the ripe berry is dark red, there is a small number of subcutaneous points, their dimensions are small.

Flesh of the fruit without pubescence, and the flesh - orange, very tender, sweet and sour taste. The juice is a light red color. Peduncle has an average length and thickness, it is perfectly separated from the berry, to the bone is firmly attached. The bone itself is well separated from the pulp, has an oval shape and a relatively large size. The transportability of the collected cherries is average.

Cherny-Cherry Cherry is used by Vladimirskaya and Zhukovskaya. In itself, the variety is partly self-fertilized. Under favorable conditions and proper care, the first fruiting can be expected for the third year after planting the seedling.

Variety Kharitonovskaya is respected and popular among gardeners for their stable fruiting, resistance to the disease of fungal etymology, high-quality and tasty fruit, good winter hardiness, versatility of fruit use, moderate tree growth. The only drawback is the large size of the stone.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya - planting and care

For planting it is necessary to prepare the soil - it must be loose, light and enriched with nutrients. The place should be well-lit by sunlight, on the south side of the buildings. It is there that the ideal microclimate is formed, which contributes to the good growth and development of the tree, as well as its excellent yield.

The best time to plant is autumn, before the first frost. The ideal time is mid-October. Of course, you can plant seedlings in the spring. Best of all, as soon as the snow comes down and the ground slightly wilts and dries. But in this case it is important not to miss the moment of swelling of the kidneys - it is necessary to plant it up to this point.

Care for cherries is the correct pruning of the crown, the systematic application of fertilizers, abundant watering in droughty periods.

Fertilizers need to be introduced once a year, in the autumn, when all the leaves fall off. At the same time, care must be taken not to "overfeed" the plant at the beginning of its development. Too much nitrogen leads to the freezing of young, unimproved shoots. During fertilization and watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the tree, not too deep - enough 10-12 cm. But in autumn the soil in the trunk circle should be dug to a depth of 15-20 cm.

To protect the tree from rodents and frosts in winter, the crown of the tree is covered with spruce lapnik. If the right care is provided, the plant annually gives an increase from 50 to 70 cm.