How to grow peanuts in a dacha - important conditions for a good harvest

Groundnut is not only delicious, but also beneficial to the body. It is worth it, so it is worth learning how to grow peanuts in the country, to collect a rich harvest on your site. There are a number of features that are important to consider so that the plant grows well and fructifies.

In which countries are peanuts grown?

The native land of peanut is South America. According to archaeological research, as early as the 1st millennium BC. e. Indians were engaged in growing peanuts. In the XVI century, peanuts were brought to China, Europe, and then he got to America and West Africa. If you want to collect peanuts in the middle band, cultivation should be done strictly following the rules, as the temperatures there are suitable. In addition, scientists recently brought out cold-resistant varieties of peanuts, which allowed to expand the area for its breeding.

Conditions for growing peanuts

To collect a good harvest of peanuts, you need to properly select the area where it should be planted. There are some features of growing peanuts in the garden:

  1. Choose solar areas in your dacha, and it is better to avoid a lot of shade. Negatively perceives peanuts and strong wind.
  2. As for the soil, it is best suited for loose, water-permeable and sandy-loamy soil. A good plant will grow with magnesium and calcium compounds. It negatively relates to high acidity and salinity.
  3. Understanding the question of how to grow peanuts in your dacha, it is worth noting that the best predecessors for him are cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes.
  4. It is necessary to prepare the ground in the spring, for which nitrofoska is introduced for 50 g per 1 sq. M. In the autumn, gardeners are recommended to feed the soil with minerals and organic.

Peanuts - ways of growing

There are several options, as you can on your site to grow a delicious peanut. About the method that implies the use of seeds in the open ground, will be discussed below, but for now let's talk about the popular variant of growing through seedlings. It has an important advantage - you can harvest more in the end than with a direct planting of seeds. There are several basic rules for how to grow peanuts in a garden with the help of seedlings:

  1. It is best to take peat pots, but if they are not there, then cups made of cardboard or plastic will do.
  2. The procedure is necessary in April. The selected container should be filled with a loose and nutritious substrate, combining the soil with a site with an equal amount of sand and humus.
  3. First put the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, which will reduce the risk of disease defeats diseases. Make pits, depth of 3-4 cm, put the seeds and fill them.
  4. To shoots appeared as quickly as possible, you need to close them with a film or glass. Put the container in a warm bright place, but direct sun rays should be avoided.
  5. Caring for seedlings is identical to other crops, and a transplant into the open ground should be carried out in May, when the temperature of the land in the country is high.

Peanuts from seeds - growing

Success depends more on the purchase of quality planting material in proven locations. You can take quality seeds from a fresh crop. It is important that the nuclei are intact and not subjected to heat treatment. There are tips regarding the care and planting of peanuts in the country, without regard to which to get a rich harvest will not work:

  1. The kernels should be removed from the shells and placed in several layers of carefully soaked gauze in a saucer.
  2. You can add a few drops of a special agent to the water, which stimulates growth.
  3. When the spine is inserted and its length is 1-1.5 mm, it is possible to transplant to the ground. It is best to use peat pills.

How to plant peanuts in the country?

There are several basic rules that need to be considered if you are planning to grow a peanut on your site.

  1. Wells where the seeds will be placed should have a depth of 6-8 cm, and if the land is dry at 8-10 cm. Place them so that between the rows there are distances of about 70 cm, and between the bushes 15-20 cm.
  2. Finding out how to plant peanuts in a dacha, it is worth pointing out that in each hole it is necessary to put three nucleoli, which should be large.
  3. After the seeds are closed, carefully pour the beds under a weak pressure, using a shower head so that the soil does not wash out.
  4. If the weather conditions are favorable, then the shoots will appear about 10 days after sowing, and flowering after another 25-30 days.

Time to plant peanuts in the country

Since good warmth is necessary for a good and proper growth of this crop, it is recommended to plant it when the temperature of the earth reaches 12-14 ° C, and this is not before mid-May. It is important to consider that for the production of groundnut peanuts, spring frosts are disastrous. Consider this, as the temperature changes every year.

Peanut - care

In order for the peanut to actively grow and give a good harvest, it is necessary to exercise proper care. There are a number of features of peanut grooming and growing in the country:

  1. When the stalk is lowered into the ground, the bushes are hilled, as is done with potatoes.
  2. It is important that the land does not dry out, but water retention is also damaging, so perform moderate watering. During flowering should be abundantly watered plants, because both flowers and roots like moisture. Do this 3-4 times a month. When the flowering period is over, watering the shoots is recommended only during a prolonged drought.
  3. Understanding how to grow peanuts in the country, it is worth noting the importance of regular weeding the land and do it better after watering or precipitation.
  4. After the emergence of sprouts, they must be protected from fever eating, since they can completely ruin all crops.
  5. Peanuts respond well to mineral fertilizers , which are made three times a season: during the ripening of leaves, the formation of fruits and buds.
  6. The yellowed leaves and the dried stem will testify to the fact that the peanuts are ripe.