How to get rid of sow?

Weed grass of all stripes gives a lot of headaches to every summer resident from early spring to autumn. One such importunate plant is a weed garden sow, and not everyone knows how to get rid of it. Let's figure out what measures should be taken to fight for the harvest.

Aggressive chemistry

Increasingly, you can hear how summer residents try to destroy sow-bees in their garden, use herbicides. These potent substances can destroy any weed, the main thing is to choose the right time. It is desirable that the osôte had already a few pairs of leaflets, and not only had it come out of the earth. In this case, the effect of the drug will be most effective. But the old weeds means will not work - will only be wasted their time and money.

But, when using herbicides, there is one "but" - they can be applied before planting a site with cultivated plants. And in this case there is a risk that accumulating in the ground drug is insignificant, but still affect the future harvest.

But when the garden is already planted, the herbicide will not work. But you can use ordinary kerosene, which is carefully sprayed with hateful weeds. After a while, the substance enters the root system and the sow is killed.

Agrotechnical methods of combating sot

It is believed that we need to root the weed out with the root, although it still remains in the soil, since it goes deep into the ground and after a time the damaged plant will have a lot of substitute shoots. Tearing them out each time, the roots are weakened, and this leads to the death of the plant.

But to mow down with a flat-top cutter or chopper, a harmful plant is undesirable - it will immediately respond with the active spread of a young seedling, which will quickly spread to the entire site.

Experienced summer residents know how to get rid of sowing on the site - this will take some time, but the result will be more than positive. To do this, weed grass is mowed or trampled down and the plot is covered with newspapers, cardboard and other improvised material. In such a shelter, the weed decomposition begins to take place actively, and substances useful for the soil are released, saturating it. After that, for the next year the site is sown with any siderates (nettle, mustard, oats) and the procedure is repeated again. The root system, no matter how deep it is, does not withstand such a biological attack and disappears, and the summer resident receives an excellent site, fertilized and usable for cultivated plants.