Atheroma on the back

Speaking of an athere on the back, you can often hear that it is a benign tumor. Those who first hear of such a problem, for sure, wonder what is the back atheroma, how it arises, how to treat it. All of these questions will be answered right away.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Atheroma looks like a rounded globular formation on the body, in our case on the back. To the touch it is dense. The dimensions of the atheroma can range from beaded grains to chicken eggs. It differs little in color from skin color. In most of its cases occurs near the spine. Perhaps the appearance of suppurating atheroma of the back. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.

Causes of Atter

The main causes of atheroma in the back are divided into two categories:

  1. External. These factors include injuries of the sebaceous gland and upper layers of the skin, as well as the harmful effects of nature on humans, for example, high temperatures, resulting in increased sweating, excessive humidity in the places of residence.
  2. Internal. These factors depend only on the human body. These include increased sweating as a result of excessive work of sweat glands ( hyperhidrosis ), hormonal disorders and metabolic disorders.

It is believed that the most vulnerable age for atheroma of the back is 20-30 years. And this is not surprising, because it is at this age that the peak of physical activity is observed and, as a consequence, the occurrence of increased sweating. Moreover, men are more prone to this disease than female representatives.

Prevention of disease

As they say, any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Our case is not an exception.

Secure yourself from atheroma of the back in several ways:

  1. Try to eat as little as possible fatty foods. Of course, no one forces you to completely abandon it, but it is recommended to strictly monitor the amount of fat in your diet.
  2. Follow the skin. Cages tend to die with time. Therefore, you need to update the skin surface from time to time. It is best to do this with a washcloth while bathing. Yes, and about the use of various cosmetics should not be forgotten.
  3. From time to time, you should visit the sauna or steam bath. Bath procedures allow the pores to open well, which greatly reduces the likelihood of getting an atheroma of the back.

Treatment of the disease

There are four known techniques for treating atheroma of the back. Now we will consider them in detail:

  1. Surgical method. There is a complete removal of the atheroma of the back. In other words, the contents of the "blister" are cut out, and the capsule itself is removed in order to avoid re-infection. All manipulations take place under the influence of local anesthesia.
  2. The radio wave method. One of the most effective methods. Guarantees the maximum likelihood that the disease will not reoccur. The affected area heals faster, since there are no incisions and stitches.
  3. The laser method. It has similarities with the previous method, but it is applicable only at the initial stages of the disease.
  4. The folk method. Treatment of atheromas on the back by time-proven methods. The most unacceptable type of treatment, as there is a chance of getting some complications.

In conclusion, it should be said that atheroma of the back should not be a reason for panic. Having discovered such an education on your skin, you should immediately consult a doctor. And the faster you do it, the sooner you can perform removal of the atheroma on your back, if necessary. In no case should you try to cope with the problem yourself. With a high degree of probability, you will only make it worse.