Cellulite on the legs

The reasons for the formation of cellulite on the legs can be completely different. Seldom is one of the main factors. Typically, the orange peel is the result of sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, abuse of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. In this article, we will look at how to reduce cellulite on the legs.

Fighting cellulite on your legs

Fat in the female body is traditionally stored in the abdomen and thighs. When losing weight, it is easy enough to bring the muscles of the press and buttocks into tone, however strong cellulite can still remain on its feet. With this you can fight and we will tell you how. Cellulite can be formed even on thin legs, this problem is not insured even the most slender girls. The appearance of orange peel is the result of intensive work of female sex hormones, multiplied by the wrong image and lack of physical activity.

In order to successfully solve this problem, an integrated approach is needed. Taking care of yourself not only from the inside, but also from the outside. By leaving from inside, we mean proper nutrition and clean water, which must be drunk in sufficient quantities. Replacing ordinary drinking water for tea, coffee, juices and soda creates a stressful situation for the body, the answer to which is the appearance of an orange peel. The first step in the fight against cellulite on the legs should be the rule: drink at least 1 liter of clean water a day.

Means-assistants in the war against cellulite

There are other, no less important points that need to be taken into account. First, this is the correct diet. In addition to the sufficient use of clean water, which we have already talked about, we must adhere to certain rules of nutrition. The diet from cellulite on the legs should be balanced, meals in small portions and little by little. Thus, you will be able to convince the body that hunger strikes are not terrible and he will stop storing fat.

This diet should be supplemented with a daily massage of problem areas. This can be done both manually and with the help of special accessories. They are easy to buy in cosmetic shops or pharmacies: vacuum jars, gloves with needles. The main task of massage from foot cellulite is to increase blood circulation in the problem area. The influx of blood ensures the entry of useful substances into the cells and the removal of toxins. In addition, the massage provides excellent lymphatic drainage, so after the procedure the skin looks more elastic and taut. To get noticeable results, you need to hold sessions at least once a day for 10 minutes, preferably after a contrast shower. After the massage, it will be good to make a wrap or mask, drink warm herbal tea while it works, and then rub into the skin a cosmetic product that will help to consolidate the result.

As the final cosmetic means, even the most common body lotion is suitable. But about the masks for legs from cellulite, we'll talk a little more in detail. If you do not want to buy a ready-made product, you can make it from the usual products and what's in the kitchen. At once it is necessary to allocate in a separate group various clays: pink, blue, white, green, etc. For masks, they do not fit well, because they dry out quickly and very dry the skin. They should be left for wrapping, then the effect of the application will be maximum.

We advise you to make a mask for feet from cellulite from ordinary honey. It will take a little, literally a couple of tablespoons. You need to warm it up a little, to a semi-liquid consistency. Apply on dry skin with patting movements. For a more pronounced effect, you can add a little brewed coffee grounds - caffeine smoothes out small irregularities on the skin. Coffee is an excellent remedy for cellulite, if you use it outside, not inside.

Such simple recipes can permanently rid you of the problem of cellulite on your legs. The whole secret is that care should be consistent, and also to give it at least a little time, but every day.