Bone on the big toe

Today we will talk about protruding bones at the base of the big toe. In medicine, this problem is known as hallux valgus or valgus deformation of the foot. This problem affects mainly the fairer sex, while in men the ligaments are much stronger, and such deformation of the foot is possible only as a result of injury. The essence of this problem consists in protruding the head of the joint (bones) of the big toe. In this case, the thumb tilts to the side, and often even overlaps the adjacent finger on the leg.

In this case, women have several problems at once. This is a cosmetic drawback - when bulging the bones around the big toe, the foot becomes ugly, if not ugly. There are difficulties in choosing shoes - instead of beautiful shoes women often have to buy shapeless, but comfortable sneakers or soft slippers. And almost always in the bulging bone of a thumb, a woman feels pain. Load on the bone is uneven, which can also exacerbate the problem.

Bone on the big toe, as a rule, begins to bulge not immediately. Some doctors associate her appearance with hormonal changes in the body of a woman (most often with a climax). In addition, there is the possibility of obtaining deformation of the foot by inheritance from moms or grandmothers. And, of course, we ourselves can contribute to its appearance by wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, as well as shoes with a heel.

How to prevent the appearance of bones on the big toe?

If you know that you have a propensity for its occurrence (for example, if your mother suffered this), then you need to be more careful about your health. Affect this can only be properly choosing shoes. Narrow shoes will promote the appearance of bones. As well as shoes with a sharp toe. Then you need to pay attention to the heel. All orthopedists are unanimous in the opinion that the heel-hairpin harms not only your legs, but also the spine. The height of the heel should not exceed 4 centimeters (we are talking about everyday life, if you once a month shoe shoes in high heels, then no irreversible processes will not start).

If even preventive measures have not helped, and the bone on the thumb is still growing, then it can be disposed of in several ways.

Treating the Bone of the Thumb

Contrary to the opinion of many grandmothers, traditional medicine in solving this problem is powerless. And any baths, compresses, iodine grids and other measures are only distracting. The fact is that bulging and pain in the bone of the thumb is an orthopedic problem, and only the doctor can solve it. Turning to a professional, you will get a qualified consultation and be able to solve your question together with him. What treatments can he offer you?

If in your particular case you can still do without cardinal measures, then you will be offered several orthopedic adaptations to correct the shape of the foot. These include special insoles, insteps, finger-struts. Their diversity is large enough. Some are designed to reduce pain when walking, some are only used during sleep, aligning the finger. But, unfortunately, this does not always give an opportunity to put your finger back, often these measures serve only as a remission of surgical intervention.

The second way of treatment is to remove the bone of the thumb. In modern surgery, this operation is no longer something outlandish and unusual. The operation on the bone can forever forget about the existence of this problem, and the next day you will be able to walk.