Than to smear a burn?

Sometimes we can get burned, of course unpleasant, but no one is immune from this. What to smear a burn? Today, a sufficient number of special tools are produced that will help in this situation. But it happens that they are simply not at hand, and in this case it is better to know what they can replace.

Is it possible to smear a burn with butter?

Lubricate the wound with sunflower, olive, butter, as well as any substances of oily nature categorically impossible for two reasons.

  1. A fresh wound "burns with fire" - the tissues still retain heat and continue to deteriorate. That's why the place of the burn is rinsed with cool water. If you apply oil on the wound, the skin temperature will rise, and the process of tissue destruction will worsen.
  2. Any oil preparations are non-sterile substances - together with them through an open wound, very dangerous pathogenic microorganisms can enter the body.

What else can not smear a burn?

Among the products that are dangerous for the burn victim are well-known in the people products:

All these means, like oil, are not sterile, and therefore threaten with infection of the body. And the benefits of them at least, except that the placebo effect. But if you really believe in folk methods, before you smear the skin after a burn with the above means, wait until the wound is tightened under a sterile bandage and approved by science ointment.

Than to smear a chemical burn?

In the treatment of burns caused by chemicals, it is important to properly render first aid. It is necessary to rinse the wound under running cool water for at least 20 minutes, and then neutralize the chemical.

Than to smear a burn from an iron?

The iron can damage the skin to 1-2 degrees (redness, swelling, blisters). The wound is cooled with water, and then sprayed with Panthenol-spray or smeared with Vishnevsky ointment, Solcoseryl or "Rescuer". After treatment, a sterile gauze bandage is applied. Wadding can not be used!

Than to smear a burn from boiled water?

If the burn has boiled more than 1% of the area of ​​the skin (a palm-sized area), you should immediately consult a doctor. This also applies to burns of the feet, genitals, face - the risk of scar formation is great if improperly treated.

Burn should be cooled under the pressure of water or apply cold compresses. The skin should be sprinkled with Panthenol, put on a bandage bandage, give the injured Ibuprofen and call an ambulance. With a small burn, it is enough to lubricate the wound twice a day with Solcoseryl or the "rescuer", changing bandages.

Than to smear a burn from butter or oil?

Most often, the burn with oil is 2 degrees, that is, with the formation of blisters. To pierce, and the more so to cut them it is impossible. The place of the burn is cooled, treated with Panthenol, Solcoseril gel or "rescuer", the wound is bandaged. The dressing and ointment should be changed twice a day, observing sterility. If more than 1% of the skin is affected, medical attention is required.

What ointment to smear a burn?

In the first days after a burn, it is better to use a gel or a spray, as you heal, you can go to the use of the ointment. The most effective means of a burn:

How else can you smear a burn?

When the wound is tightened, you can use vitamin E (oily solution) and sea buckthorn oil - these agents accelerate the process of tissue regeneration and reduce the risk of scar appearance. To prevent infection, the skin around the burn (but not the wound itself!) Is smeared with iodine or zelenka.