Optic neuritis - causes, symptoms, effective treatment

The normal operation of the eye depends on the correct formation and transmission of electrical impulses. The second cranial nerve is responsible for these processes. When his inflammation suddenly and greatly deteriorates vision. This pathology often affects even young people under the age of 40 years.

Functions of the optic nerve

This organic structure differs from others in a unique structure. The optic nerve is a white medulla located on the periphery. It is connected with the nuclei of the diencephalon and is connected to the large hemispheres. The main function of the optic nerve is visual perception of the surrounding reality. Its initial department is the eye receptors on the retina (cones and rods). They form an electrical impulse containing information about the light and color of what a person sees, and transmit it to the brain.

What is optic neuritis?

The pathology in question and the mechanisms of its development are still being studied by ophthalmologists. Neuritis is an inflammation of the optic nerve. Depending on its location and extent, the disease is classified into 3 types:

Retrobulbar neuritis of the optic nerve

This form of the disease is characterized by the defeat of the organic structure outside the eyeball. Such optical neuritis affects only a bundle of neuro-conducting fibers. The blood vessels and the retina remain non-inflamed. The optic neuritis described often affects only one eye. Pathology very quickly progresses and can provoke serious complications. The most common consequence is a partial or complete loss of vision.

Intrabulbar neuritis

The presented type of inflammatory process affects not only the bundle of fibers, but also the disk of the optic nerve. The disease develops in the area where it connects to the retina. In addition, the papillitis of the optic nerve can cause inflammation of the blood vessels that feed the apple. This type of disease also rapidly progresses and often ends in an irreversible loss of vision.

Neuroretinitis of the eye

Considered neuritis of the optic nerve is considered the most dangerous form of pathology. The inflammatory process simultaneously affects both the neuroconductive fiber bundle, the disc and the entire retina. Acute optic neuritis is fraught with serious consequences. The main difficulty in treating this type of disease is its asymptomatic course at the onset of progression.

Optic neuritis - causes

The mechanism of pathology development is demyelination. This is the destruction of the outer fat layer (shell) of the nerve fiber, which ensures good conductivity of the impulses. Often, retrobulbar neuritis of the optic nerve is diagnosed in multiple sclerosis, which is accompanied by demyelination. Recent clinical studies have shown that the described disease begins with damage to neurons and axons. The reasons for the destruction of cells have not yet been established.

In addition to these provoking factors, optic neuritis can occur with the following problems:

Optic neuritis - symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease depends on its shape and degree. In most ophthalmologist patients, optic neuritis first progresses without any symptoms, after which specific manifestations of pathology suddenly appear. The main symptom, occurring in 90% of cases, is a deterioration in visual acuity, some people lose it completely. There are other features that accompany inflammation of the optic nerve - symptoms:

Optic neuritis - diagnosis

For the appointment of a correct therapy, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist. The doctor should find out which optic neuritis progresses - the symptoms and treatment strongly depend on the form of the pathology. Laboratory studies in diagnosis are not of fundamental importance. Neuritis (any) of the optic nerve is determined according to the patient's complaints and ophthalmologic examination (examination of the fundus, fluorescent angiography). In parallel, differentiation is carried out with other similar diseases.

Optic neuritis - treatment

The presented disease is often subjected to self-remission, but therapy is necessary. It is important to establish what triggered optical neuritis - the methods of treatment depend on the pathogen of inflammation. The main conservative methods of exposure are the use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs. In the case of ineffectiveness of these agents, immunoglobulins and plasmapheresis are prescribed.

Antibiotics for optic neuritis

If the inflammatory process began against a background of microbial infection, the use of suppressants is required. Optic neuritis involves the administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics:

It is forbidden to use antimicrobial agents with ototoxic action:

Antibiotics are not prescribed when the virus provoked inflammation of the optic nerve - treatment in such a situation requires the use of appropriate medications:

Optical neuritis: treatment with prednisolone - the optimal dose

The basic method of suppressing the inflammatory process is the use of corticosteroid hormones. This is the fastest and most effective way to treat neuritis of the optic nerve of any shape. The current therapy scheme includes simultaneous injection of 1 ml of Dexamethasone (0.4% solution) and an internal Prednisolone.

The dosage of the last indicated preparation is selected individually, starting from 0.005 g 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment with Prednisolone is 5 days, but its amount should gradually decrease to 0.001 g in 24 hours. The duration of the injection of Dexamethasone is 10-15 procedures. In parallel, it is necessary to inject detoxification medicines (Reopoliglyukin, Gemodez) and agents that improve microcirculation processes (Nicergoline, Trental).

Additionally, an ophthalmologist can recommend injections of vitamins:

Optical neuritis - pulse therapy

The considered method of exposure is rarely used, only if the basic approaches are ineffective or the pathogenesis of the autoimmune origin. Pulse therapy in the treatment of optic neuritis is the intravenous administration of high doses of corticosteroid hormones, for example, Methylprednisolone. The patient receives 0.5 to 1 g of the drug every 6 hours for 3-5 days. After complete suppression of the inflammatory process, therapy is gradually transferred to the standard regime.

Optic neuritis - treatment with folk remedies

Due to the variety of reasons for the occurrence of the described disease, its rapid progression and dangerous consequences, it is strictly prohibited to engage in therapy independently. Any folk methods are allowed to apply only after the approval of the ophthalmologist and under his regular supervision. It is important not to stop conservative treatment. Alternative methods can only serve as an auxiliary therapy.

Eye compresses

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Saturate the resulting cotton wool discs.
  3. Apply them to your eyes for 15 minutes.
  4. Repeat manipulation 6-8 times a day.

Mummy for the treatment of optic neuritis

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Shake the water with vegetable juice.
  2. Dissolve in this liquid mummy.
  3. To drip with the received agent both eyes on 1 drop.
  4. Keep eyelids closed for half a minute.
  5. Repeat 2 times a day.

Healing syrup from neuritis

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix cones, flowers and leaves.
  2. Pour them with boiling water.
  3. Add the lemon, washed and cut into 4 parts (along with the peel and bones).
  4. Add sugar.
  5. The resulting mixture is boiled.
  6. Reduce the intensity of the fire and cook the syrup for 30 minutes.
  7. Cover the product with a lid, insist a third of an hour.
  8. Strain the medicine.
  9. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon before meals, 3 times a day.