Diabetes mellitus - what each type of disease threatens, and how to treat it?

A group of endocrine diseases, in which insulin hormone insufficiency is observed, is called diabetes mellitus. Mortality from the consequences of this disease is about four million people around the world. Suffers from lack of insulin about 6% of the population of our planet.

Types of diabetes mellitus

This disease according to the classification of the World Health Organization is of two types. Isolate the types of diabetes: insulin-dependent (1 type) and insulin-independent (2 types). These two types differ in the mechanisms of the onset of the disease, the causes and principles of treatment. In both cases, the first thing prescribed by specialists is a strict diet.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

The first type (insulin-dependent diabetes) is characterized by problems with the pancreas, in which the concentration of insulin in the blood decreases significantly as a result of the destruction of the organ cells. Often this type is observed at an early age and is accompanied by a high level of sugar in the blood. As for the genetic predisposition, the risk of acquiring this disease, if one of the parents had type 1 diabetes, is significantly increased.

Diabetes mellitus type 2

The second type (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) is characterized by increased or normal production of the insulin hormone, but in this case the problem is that the cells do not perceive it, and for this reason, it is impossible for glucose to enter the cells. This is not the perception of insulin cells is called "insulin resistance."

There is another name for this type of disease - "lean diabetes", but this is only when there is a defective hormone that can not communicate with cells, because their receptors can not "see" it. The fault of this is not perception is the wrong structure of insulin.

Causes of diabetes mellitus

Everyone knows about the concept of cause-effect relationships and this disease is not an exception. Diabetes mellitus is a consequence, and any consequence has one or more causes. Each of the diabetic types has its own reasons, which should be considered in more detail. Patients with diabetes and those who are at risk should be aware of the causes and mechanisms of the onset of the disease.

Causes of type 1 diabetes mellitus

The reasons for the occurrence of insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes are many and this type is considered very dangerous, since it is not always possible to diagnose it at the initial stage, because the symptomatology is manifested even when about 80% of β-cells are destroyed. With such a percentage of destruction, absolute hormone deficiency is found in patients.

Sugar insulin-dependent diabetes can have such causes:

  1. The inflammatory reaction is insulitis, which occurs in the islets of the pancreas.
  2. Hereditary predisposition.
  3. The destruction of β-cells, which can have an autoimmune nature or be a consequence of the negative impact of external factors. Often these are viral infections: mumps, chicken pox, Coxsackie virus, cytomegalovirus, measles, rubella.
  4. The transferred stresses can become strong provocateurs of an aggravation and development of chronic diseases and strengthen action of viruses.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

The reasons for which diabetes mellitus of the second type arises are also many, and to be more precise, it is a whole complex of factors.

  1. Heredity. If one of the parents had SD II, then the likelihood that the child will also get sick, reaches forty percent.
  2. Ethnicity. It is known that Asians, African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans are at risk because they are more susceptible to this disease.
  3. Excess body weight. Systematic overeating, eating refined foods (sweets, pastries, chocolate, etc.), night snacks, insufficient amount of vegetable fiber (vegetables and fruits) in the menu increase the chance of occurrence of diabetes.
  4. Hypertension. The risk of getting sick increases in those who suffer from high blood pressure.
  5. Hypodinamy. Lack of motor activity often causes excess weight and worsening of metabolism, which can lead to diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes mellitus - symptoms

The first signs of diabetes mellitus can be similar in the first and second type. The development of this illness can take place in a latent form and only after a while a person pays attention to the first signs of diabetes: frequent urination, chronic fatigue, dry mouth, decreased sexual activity, etc. Many people do not realize that such states can indicate that a person has diabetes mellitus. It is worth considering the symptoms and signs of diabetes depending on the type.

Type I symptomatology:

Symptomatic type II includes the above characteristics and is supplemented:

Complications of diabetes mellitus

Non-insulin-dependent type of diabetes mellitus and insulin-dependent type have complications that are divided into:

The most dangerous complications are late:

The late consequences include:

Chronic consequences of diabetes:

  1. The kidneys. This body with time loses the ability to cope with its functions.
  2. Vessels. Due to the deterioration of permeability, they become narrower, which leads to the development of heart disease and stroke.
  3. Leather. Because of worsening blood supply, there is a risk of trophic ulcers.
  4. CNS. Weakness and numbness of the limbs, the appearance of chronic pain.

How to treat diabetes?

Successful treatment of diabetes mellitus in many respects depends on how well the prescriptions of doctors are implemented. In addition, the therapeutic treatment of this disease depends on the type of diabetes. In the treatment of diabetes, non-traditional methods are often used, but only with the consent of the attending physician as ancillary.

Can I cure diabetes?

As if I did not want to report otherwise, but diabetes mellitus of any type is a disease for life. You can improve the quality of life and minimize the manifestation of symptoms, but get rid of diabetes will not happen, so that they do not promise to advertise new means, which are often pecked by those who suffer from ailment. It is very important to comply with all prescriptions of doctors and not engage in self-treatment, then in some cases, the complete absence of symptoms of diabetes.

Drugs for type 1 diabetes

Considering the question of how to treat type 1 diabetes, it is necessary to be aware of the medications prescribed by the doctors. With the exception of insulin, they are often remedies that help to get rid of symptoms or reduce its negative manifestations:

  1. ACE. At increased pressure or protein content in the urine is above the norm.
  2. Aspirin. With heart problems and heart attacks.
  3. Statins. To reduce cholesterol, clogging blood vessels.
  4. Drugs that help with problems with erection. More often it's Viagra and Levitra, but you can take them only after consulting with your doctor.
  5. Means for problems with digestion. It can be Tserukal or Erythromycin if gastroparesis has developed.

Drugs for type 2 diabetes

If we talk about how to treat type 2 diabetes, then drugs are prescribed in a different direction. Among them are agents that increase the susceptibility of cells to insulin:

Among the new analogous drugs that include in the complex treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus:

Preparations that stimulate the production of insulin:

How to treat diabetes with folk remedies?

Those who aspire to maximally ease the symptoms that accompany diabetes, the question of how to treat diabetes at home is especially acute. Often, the therapeutic complex includes recipes and traditional medicine, but do it arbitrarily, without prior consultation with a doctor is not recommended.

Infusion of chemist's cortex Amur from diabetes has established itself as an excellent remedy due to its ability to significantly improve carbohydrate metabolism. Receiving the drug stimulates not only the production of insulin, but also the enzymes of the pancreas: lipase, protease and amylase. Take infusion in accordance with the instructions.

  1. For adults: 1 teaspoon three times a day.
  2. For children: 1 tsp 1-2 times a day.
  3. The course of application is not less than three months.

Recipe for reducing blood sugar from the healer Kim


Preparation and use

  1. Peel the garlic and wash the root of parsley (or leaves).
  2. All the ingredients are ground to a meat grinder.
  3. Transfer the resulting mixture into a jar and let it sit in a dark place for two weeks.
  4. The reception is recommended in the amount of one teaspoon before meals.
  5. The author of the recipe advises drinking a mixture of decoction of herbs: field horsetail, leaf cranberries, corn stigmas, bean pods. Brew the broth simply: 1 tablespoon of herb collection on a glass of water.

Nutrition for diabetes mellitus

With any type of disease, a diet with diabetes is the first thing to observe. If you consider that the cause of the disease is often an incorrect diet: the use of a large number of foods with a high glycemic index, sweets, baked goods, etc., then the diet is built from the reverse.

Diabetes mellitus - what can you do that you can not?

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the categories of products falling under strict prohibition, those that should be in the daily menu. The diet for diabetes mellitus type 2 and type 1 should be designed taking into account whether it is possible for diabetes mellitus products, and not personal preferences. It is necessary to strictly observe such a power system, otherwise there will be no meaning in it.

Prohibited for inclusion in the diet:

  1. Sugar in its pure form and sweets. Under the ban will get ice cream, jam, chocolate, chocolates and halva.
  2. Baking , as a rule, contains a lot of prohibited sugar and is a high-calorie.
  3. Canned food and smoked products. Meat and fish canned food with vegetable oil content, salted and smoked products are forbidden. Regardless of the low GI, which these products possess, they are too high in calories.
  4. Fatty meat and fish. Fatty varieties should not be consumed. When you eat a bird, you must remove the skin.
  5. Dairy. It's about the products of whole milk, because they have a high fat content, as for SD.
  6. Sauces. Especially it concerns mayonnaise and other fatty variants.
  7. Manka. Manna cereals are excluded completely, and the use of pasta products is limited and preferred products made from whole grains.
  8. Fruits with high sugar content. This applies to grapes, watermelon and bananas.
  9. Vegetables. Refuse need from fried vegetables and boiled beets.
  10. Carbonated drinks. Because of the high content of sugar in them.
  11. Chips and snacks. These products as rules have high fat content and contain a lot of salt.
  12. Alcohol should be limited, but from sweet wines and champagne should be discarded completely.

Products that should be included in the diet with diabetes:

  1. Bread and bakery products. It's better if it's a special bake for diabetics.
  2. Meat. Prefer non-fat varieties: rabbit, veal, beef, poultry.
  3. A fish. It's about low-fat varieties (carp, cod, pike perch, pike), besides, it should be cooked for a couple, bake or boil.
  4. Eggs. Not more than one per day is allowed.
  5. Dairy products with low fat content.
  6. First meal. Soups and broths, cooked on vegetables or low-fat meat and fish.
  7. Vegetables. It is allowed to eat all vegetables, but not fried.
  8. Fruits and berries. It is especially good to use apples, raspberries, grapefruit and kiwi in diabetes, because they not only do not increase the level of sugar, but also reduce cholesterol.
  9. Vegetable oil. Not more than two tablespoons are allowed daily.
  10. Beverages. Ideal: teas without sugar and fresh juices.

Menu with diabetes mellitus

Making up the right menu for diabetes mellitus type 2 and type 1, it is important to consider that it is recommended to take small meals in divided portions. A prerequisite for a diabetic menu is sufficient intake of pure still water (up to two liters). An approximate daily menu can look like this:






Second dinner: