Rash on the hands in the form of red dots

Rashes on the skin are changes that often appear suddenly and are elements of a different nature and localization, may be accompanied by itching, burning, and other symptoms. When a rash occurs, you should find out its cause as soon as possible, for which it is necessary to visit a dermatologist or therapist. Consider what may be associated with the appearance of a rash on the hands in the form of red dots.

The main causes of small red rashes on the hands

The appearance of rashes of this nature on the hands can be both a local reaction of the skin to the action of external stimuli, and one of the manifestations of the general disease of the organism, more often of an infectious nature. Let's list the most common causes of rash in the form of red dots forming on different parts of the skin of the hands.

Contact dermatitis

A red rash on the palms and the outside of the hands, as well as between the fingers, often occurs as a result of contacting unprotected sensitive skin with various aggressive household chemicals. Also, this reaction can be observed in some people when wearing medical gloves made of latex, jewelry made of metals, the use of certain cosmetic products for hands. With contact dermatitis, the rash is a multiple vesicle with redness and swelling accompanied by itching and soreness.

Atopic dermatitis

With allergies to certain products or medicines, skin manifestations can appear on the hands (more often at the elbow bend) and represent a small rash in the form of red dots. Most often this reaction is observed when used:

From medicines the most allergenic are:

Insect bites

Bites of ticks , fleas, mosquitoes, ants, bed bugs and some other insects leave behind a rash in the form of red dots, which itches and can be painful. In people prone to allergies, such rashes can persist for a long time, delivering uncomfortable sensations, and when combing these elements, there is a risk of infection.


Frequent causes of small red rash are infections that cause various diseases (measles, chicken pox, typhoid, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, rubella, etc.). However, in this case, the rash appears not only on the hands, but also other parts of the body. In addition, there are other symptoms:


In this venereal disease, a rash of a different nature appears, which is more often localized on the hands and feet. Including the appearance of rashes in the form of red dots on the palms, which often does not cause itching and soreness. Other signs of the disease are:

Diseases of blood and blood vessels

Most often, the cause of the rash in this case is a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, or a violation of their functioning, as well as a violation of the permeability of the vessels. The rash in this case often has the appearance of small point subcutaneous hemorrhage, it can be localized on the hands in places where the bracelet is snug, tight cuff. Also for these reasons on the skin often there are multiple bruises of different size and localization, while the person's well-being can not change.