To the child of 10 months

Your child is 10 months old, he became much more mobile. The normal weight of a child in 10 months is about ten kilograms. At this age they can be described as riders-extreme. Any actions of the child in 10 months are vigorous and efficient. A favorite activity is playing catch-up with the parents. If you want to stimulate the sporting talents of your baby, then often praise him for "jogging", most likely, that there will be the following encore.

Child development in 10 months

Psycho-emotional development of the baby in 10-11 months easily allows him to distinguish the mood of the people around him. Some children at this age are already characterized by attacks of jealousy. If such babies are not in the limelight, they may burst into tears, which many parents perceive as a whim. Skills of the child's visual memory in 10 months allow you to remember quite well the current events. He is already clearly reacting to external stimuli, so he can refuse from unloved food. If you shove a small soft toy in his bosom, the baby will try to get it. In the sleep mode of the child at 10 months, too, there have been changes, now he sleeps 9 hours at night and twice for two hours in the afternoon.

The child understands the meaning of words more and more. If you ask him, "Where's Dad?", "Where's Mom?", He will look at the concrete person of the parent. You can develop a child from 10 months in the form of a game, as if asking him to give the right thing from those that are laid out in front of him. It is better to use diverse objects: spoons, toys, books. If you get to understand the kid, then this game will be a wonderful part of your 10-month-old child's activities that will speed up the process of acquaintance with the world around you.

Your baby is 10 months old, he already crawls pretty well. After the crawl follows the next stage in the "evolution" to the righteous person - the bear walk (crawling). At this age, the child maneuvers quite tolerably between the barriers. Tries to walk on elongated legs and arms. Reaching the hard stop, he tries to rise and straighten up to walk along the subject. This load is very useful for fast-growing joints and muscles, for this occupation the child can often overtake a dream. By the way, a child's sleep in 10 months is not only physical but also emotional rest. Try to roll the ball to the baby and ask him to return it to you. If he does it, it will also be a wonderful game that develops the coordination of the baby's movements in space. If your baby is trying to take the first steps, help him by letting a towel under his armpits to support him in a difficult endeavor. Children love to follow the commands of adults in a playful way. Support your child with encouraging words or claps, and enthusiasm for new achievements he will multiply. Experiment with moving games, alternate them with hide and seek, blind man. If the toddler frowns or closes his eyes with his hands, pretend that you can not find it, it will please the child very much. Variations for games are many, the main thing is that you spend as much time as possible on the development of your child.

Nutrition of the child in 10 months

If your child over the past months has responded normally to the expansion in his menu, then you can smoothly bring into the diet fruit juices and mashed potatoes. But it is worth remembering that in the diet of a child in 10 months should no longer dominate mother's milk. Proceeding from this, it is possible to compile an approximate menu of a child's nutrition in 10 months. Do not forget that there is no consensus on the timing of the introduction of fruit in the diet of crumbs. Rely on your maternal flair. If the child behaves uneasily after eating fruits, then perhaps it is worth while to wait with their introduction into the diet.