How to teach a child to sit?

Any young mother is unnerved by the numerous questions surrounding her about her child. How he eats, what he already knows how to do, whether he began to sit down, etc. Particularly annoying sound ochanya the older generation that the baby is now time to independently start to sit and perform this or that action. At this point, mothers are beginning to worry about why the child is not yet sitting, or even completely forcibly begin to teach their child to what is not yet the time. The main thing is, do not panic! We'll figure it out when the child can be seated and whether it is worthwhile to help him in this matter.

What time does the child have to sit?

The age norms created by usual statistics are the main headache of any mother. The slightest deviation in the development of the baby from these norms immediately causes concern. And no matter how much doctors calmed the puzzled parents, more than half of them still try to speed up the development of their child. It is absolutely necessary to help a child. But it is important to observe the main principle - do no harm.

If the child does not want to sit in half a year, this is no reason to sound an alarm. Most kids learn this action only in 7-8 months, when they themselves feel that they are physically ready for this. Trying to speed up this process, parents risk getting injuries, which will seriously affect the further health of the baby. The only thing that can help your beloved child is to do with it strengthening gymnastics and various exercises.

How to teach a child to sit?

The exact answer to the question is whether to seat the baby, for today does not exist. At five months, you can begin to hold the child on his knees, slightly bending back so that there is no strain on the spine. If at that moment the child does not show displeasure, then in 2-3 weeks you can start to leave it for a short time in a half-lying state between the pillows.

Over time, the child himself learns to sit, trying to lean on his hands and lie flat. When you see that he is making similar attempts, consider this a signal to help the kid in his successes.

Now let's see how to teach a child to sit with the help of exercises. Here are some examples:

  1. Put your baby's belly on your shoulder and slowly swirl. First in one direction, then in the opposite direction. Keep your head spinning.
  2. Call for help one of the relatives and, taking the baby by the wrists on the one hand and the ankles on the other, start shaking it like in a cradle.
  3. Turn the baby face to him, take it by the wrists and rotate it a little on straight hands.

Since to teach a child to sit from one to two times is unlikely to work out, be patient and try not to hurry. Let a few more tips help you:

How much child can you sit? Nobody will give an unambiguous answer in this regard, tk. the development of each baby individually. If you just started to sit a half-year-old crumb between the pillows, try to keep it in this position for no more than five minutes, so as not to overload the spine.

Many parents are worried about why the child is not sitting well. If the baby is more than 8 months, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. If his age is younger, then do not panic. Over time, he himself or with your little help will learn to sit evenly. The main thing is to support your child in any of his endeavors, play with him and communicate more often. Then in your family will grow a developed and harmonious personality.