Fluidite - Analogues

A wet cough with sputum separation is preferable to dry sputum, but still gives a lot of unpleasant sensations. To combat this symptom is often prescribed Fljuditik. It refers to mucolytic drugs with expectorant action, is released in a single medicinal form of syrup. Because of the propensity for allergic reactions, not all are suitable for Fluidite - analogues of the medication exist, but not every medication produces the same powerful therapeutic effect.

How can I replace Fluidite?

The mucolytic described is based on one active ingredient, carbocysteine. This substance has a double action:

Similar preparations are:

Also very similar in this respect is Fluiufort, it is based on the monohydrate of the carbocysteine ​​lysine salt. Therefore, the question of what is better - Fluviert or Fljuditik is inexpedient, these medicines are almost identical to each other.

As for the mechanism of action and effectiveness, there are the following popular analogues of Flüdetik:

Most of them are almost identical to each other, so consider only some well-proven medicines.

What is better - Erespal or Fljuditik?

The first indicated preparation is based on fenspiride hydrochloride. This compound reduces the secretion of bronchial secretions, effectively dilutes sputum and promotes its rapid elimination, prevents the development of obstruction.

The characteristic of Erespal is its anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic activity. Therefore, this drug is considered more effective and preferable, especially for infectious diseases caused by coccal bacteria.

Fluditik or Lazolvan - what is better?

Lazolvan has hydrochloride ambroxol - a substance that increases the activity of the bronchi. This action of the drug helps to speed up sputum evacuation, relieve coughing attacks.

In this case, Lazolvan produces a soft, cumulative effect. Regular intake of the drug for 1.5-2 months allows to avoid relapses of chronic lung pathologies, to reduce the duration of antibiotic therapy.

It is difficult to compare the two tools under consideration, since they have a different mechanism of action. Fluidite reduces the production of mucus, and Lazolvan, on the contrary, stimulates. Thus, when choosing from these drugs, you need to pay attention to the nature, intensity and productivity of the cough.

Finding out what is better - Ambroben or Fljuditik, you can come to identical conclusions. Ambrobene also consists of ambroxol hydrochloride, and, at the same concentration as in Lazolvan.

What will help you better - Ascoril or Fljuditek?

Ascoril is a combination drug containing guaifenesin, salbutamol sulfate, bromhexine hydrochloride. This combination causes a triple effect of the drug:

Of course, Ascoril is considered a more effective medicine than Flüditik, since it can be used to treat both wet and dry, unproductive cough.

What works better - Fljuditik or ATSTS?

Mucolytic in the form of effervescent tablets ATSTS is based on acetylcysteine, which has a single function - dilution of sputum and a change in its rheological properties. Nevertheless, the drug effectively promotes the evacuation of secretions from the bronchi and can even be used as a prophylaxis.

On the effectiveness of Fljuditik and ATSTS approximately the same, but the last drug is transferred a little better.