Guessing on runes on relationships

Sacrament, mystery. It is with these words is associated any ritual of fortune telling, namely, guessing on the runes, since in the literal sense this word is translated as "mystery." This type of fortune telling is one of the most popular and popular, because it is more reliable and truthful - in terms of, guessing on runes per person.

Guessing on the runes on love

For those who first decided to betray this way, it is worth knowing some points of this fortune telling, namely the following:

The designation of runes does not have a strict formulation, like formulas and rules in mathematics, but only direct and can give advice, instruction, recommendation.

To a greater extent, divination is used to look into the future, at the moment of some expectation or clarification of the situation, hoping and carrying only good hopes in your heart, therefore, like in any fortune-telling, runes are not strongly recommended for a spell. On the contrary, using this, you can bring yourself, as well as your close ones, friends trouble.

Teaching Divination

Before the guessing of the relationship itself, you need to concentrate, sit for a few minutes in complete silence. In the process of divination, let nothing distract you, there should be a minimum of noise in the room and rather muted lighting. It is best to close the curtains, and also to ensure that the clock can not be heard, or, for example, tap water. After all, such moments only strengthen the internal state and do not allow you to relax, plunging into the right state.

Remember that when you first guess, you can not always get the exact answer. Many people tend to think that runes are like cards that need to be decomposed, as a result, a certain sequence will give the necessary information. But this is not so. Runes push the person, not giving the most exact answer, but directing in the certain party of the further reflexion.

Guessing «3 runes»

Runes for this divination should be arranged from right to left, decode them in the order in which you get. So, when you want to look into the future of your amorous affairs, you should know how to read runic signs.

  1. The first elongated rune describes the relationship that you have now.
  2. The second is a behavioral line, which must be adhered to to maintain the love of your lover.
  3. The third rune is a sign of those relations, which, of course, should be counted.

Divination "6 runes"

The scheme of fortune telling is the same as in the previous one, but it is only required to pull not six but six runes.

  1. The first one speaks about what happened between your personality and those who were yours.
  2. The second rune - what he sees you, represents.
  3. The third runic sign is a herald of what will happen to you in the future, the relationship of what kind will arise between you.
  4. This rune is the reason why you turned to this kind of fortune telling. He says that it is necessary to do at this moment in order to either preserve, or revive, or strengthen love.
  5. But the sixth rune suggests what to expect in the near future.

Simple runic guess-work for love

To do this, you need to pull out only one rune from the bag, and ask any question about a love relationship or love in general. In the case when you failed to understand the meaning of the rune, you are allowed to get one more, supplementing the prediction of the first. It is important to note that only the first rune answers your question, and the second should be considered only as a sign that indicates the features and nuances of this answer.

Guessing on the Scandinavian runes

Nowadays, runes can be bought in almost every esoteric store. The most truthful guessing is guessing on Scandinavian runes . It has been popular since the 16th century. Despite the fact that the runes are popular in other countries, the brightest experts of this kind of fortune telling are Scandinavians.

Odin is one of the most popular types of looking into the future. It is a simple way of guessing, during which only one rune is used. If you are guessing at love, then you need to concentrate on the name of the right person and mentally ask the question that's worrying you, at random, delivering the rune.