Runes for weight loss

The very word "runes" is fraught with a mystery with a magical touch. And what only women who suffer from extra pounds are not ready to address! It is not excluded and alliance with magical powers, with the meaning of runes.

Runes for weight loss are symbols that have a big impact on the body of the person who uses them. There are quite a lot of runic formulas of this type, the main purpose of which is the burning of harmful fats in the human body.

It is necessary, before applying these signs, to study all the positive and negative aspects of influence on human life. Let us consider in more detail some types of such runes.

Scandinavian weight loss runes

  1. Runa Mannaz-Berkano-Fehu-Vuño is aimed at the man's desire to eat smaller portions, forgetting about what is gluttony.
  2. For those who at the moment of their lives are forced to adhere to strict diets, as a result of which a person starves most of the time, the rune Isa-Kano-Dagaz will suit .
  3. If your main goal is not only to burn the hated pounds, but also to rejuvenate the body, again feeling the breath of youth, use the rune Kano-Isa-Dagaz .
  4. In case you are aiming both to lose weight, and to improve your body, the rune of Yera-Soul-Hagalaz-Soul-Yera must be written in red on his left forearm.
  5. So, Kenaz-Isa Degas is focused on losing weight, while it leads the body to a normal state without disturbing its functioning. It is capable of adjusting your entire physiological system. And it is worth remembering that this rune helps the body to feel young.

6. Uruz-Dagaz-Laguz-Kenaz-Isa must be applied in the direction from left to right on your stomach, placing the symbol in the center. Do not forget to apply the rune to your left palm in the direction from your wrist to your fingers, but only using a black or blue marker, ink, helium pen or mascara. The rune needs to be updated daily.

7. Yera-Sowulu-Hagalaz-Sowulu-Yera is applied in red on the left hand. With the help of this rune, in a few days you will notice how the desire to consume a large amount of food disappears. You will increase efficiency, the amount of energy. Apply this symbol in the morning.

Hyera is an energy-intensive part, it is cyclical, but at the same time it directs the energy of the person in the right direction. It is able to restore metabolism or hormonal metabolism.

Slavonic runes for weight loss

The most important Slavic symbol, contributing to weight loss, is the Rtsya rune. It conceals in itself the path of knowledge, spread the law of Svarog. This law is the road of joyful, but at the same time difficult spiritual discoveries of your inner world. Rune helps a person to find that subtle connection that connects his spirit with the body. After all, if there was a violation in the physiologists, you gained excess weight, which means that everything is not right with your inner world, some kind of failure occurred.

So, the key word for the Rci rune is "action", movement from the chaos of its inner world to peace, order. The symbol helps the person achieve the goal . He will give wise advice, supporting the necessary energy and strength of a person.

Runes for weight loss in pictures

Here is an example of several basic runes that contribute to your recovery and getting rid of fat:

And finally, it is worth noting that the runes will be more powerful if you drop negative thoughts such as "I will always be fat" and start to believe in the best.