Funny fortune-telling for Christmas

Many people spend New Year's holidays in the company, and so that it's not boring to offer their guests entertainment. The perfect solution - comic fortune telling for Christmas and Christmas. Such predictions will allow you to cheer up and pass the time. There are several different options, which we'll talk about.

Funny fortune-telling at Christmas home with scraps

To interestingly meet the guests, you can prepare a Christmas tree for them. To do this, you need to make small postcards and write on them different prophecies. After that, they should be attached to the Christmas tree and ask each guest to take on any prediction for the arrival. In order not to offend anyone, it is necessary to write only good and good prophecies that will make everyone smile. A few examples:

This is only a small list of predictions, invent them, including fantasy. If talent allows, you can write prophecy in verse. Such a funny guessing at Christmas can be done in another way, for example, putting notes in balls or in small gifts for guests. Another option is to feed cookies with predictions inside.

Funny fortune-telling at Christmas for adults on the Christmas tree

If the tree is decorated with colorful balls, then you can do the following divination. Each guest should choose any toy on the tree, and according to its color, a prediction is made. You can make a choice with your eyes closed or just point to the ball you like.

The Importance of Multicolored Toys:

Funny fortune-telling for Christmas with music

You must first create a playlist, collecting funny and funny songs that you can use as a prediction. To conduct fortune telling, each guest should simply name the number of the song, the words of which will be a prophecy. You can also ask a question, and the song will be the answer. Such a fortune telling will make all the guests laugh.