Rune of Wealth

Runes is a written system used by ancient Germanic tribes in the territories of modern Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland. In medieval Europe, there were runic calendars, and the very word "rune" comes from the root, which translates as "mystery." Runes were replaced by the Latin alphabet after the transition to Christianity.

Today, runes, like the storehouses of secret symbols and knowledge, are used to attract wealth, happiness, love, health. Fortunately, for each individual case there is a whole set of runes.

We will consider the runes of wealth and explain how to handle them.

Rune of Wealth

Rune "Wealth" - this is the main rune for attracting wealth and material wealth. She is painted on wallets, bills, credit cards.

Fleece "Property"

Another rune bringing wealth. It should be used to bring a particular thing into your life, for example, if you are dreaming of a new car, or buying a property.

Fleece "Lucky Case"

This rune is used for wealth and luck, to attract Fortune's attention to your life. It is used before signing an important contract, with a risky business that can bring untold wealth to your life, and can deprive everything. In a word, it will be needed when the only way out is to go all-in.

How to work with runes?

The runes of success and wealth will work only if you believe unconditionally in their strength. It is not enough to apply a rune to a money bill and put it in a wallet, you should visualize your desire, and this already requires a lot of effort.

In the case of visualization, your frames will be placed only by the imagination. You can use the classic means - the oils of abundance (cinnamon, patchouli, orange) to apply a pattern to the object, or you can represent the rune in a glass with water, in a dish, under a shower, anywhere. After all, the essence remains unchanged - you fill the object with a certain energy, then, you absorb it yourself.

Rituals with runes

The simplest ritual with runes of well-being and wealth is drawing on a bill. Take the largest bill that you have, draw an ethereal oil wealth rune, while, imagine yourself under a money shower. Repeat to yourself or out loud that you really need money, you need it like air.

Do not spend a bill, put it in a purse, and, bumping into it, each time imagine your rune.