Horoscope of druids by date of birth

According to some versions, the word "druids" means "people of oak". It is not known whether the oak is considered to be the most important plant in the Druid era, or, conversely, based on knowledge of the importance of oak, and a hypothesis about the meaning of the name of the people arose. Anyway, and the fact that the Druids believed that man originated from a tree, that trees can heal, heal and discharge is a fact.

Druids have a special horoscope by the date of birth , which determines which tree each of us originated from.

They divided the starry sky into 44 segments and created 22 signs, 4 - unpaired and 18 - paired. Unpaired signs are signs of one day, solstices of the equinoxes. The remaining 18 are determined by the principle of the opposite - each sign combines opposite periods of the year, points of the starry sky, located opposite each other. This is how a person's tree is determined by the date of birth.

Consider the Druid calendar by date of birth for details:

By the date of birth, a tree talisman is determined. So, if, for example, you are rowan, then it will be useful for you to surround yourself with rowan furniture, wooden ornaments, utensils for protection and energy recharge.

And the ancients believed that even touching their defending tree could heal and improve life.