Fortune-telling for monthly

The definition of "fortune telling" more often carries in itself magical associations associated with the challenge of otherworldly forces, communication with spirits, the layout of complex solitaires and cartograms.

This article presents an easy guessing, for which a person does not bear energy responsibility.

The female organism was initially mysterious and not fully explicable. Certainly, as a gift for suffering during labor, for balance, women became owners of such a privilege as dropping of slander and negative energy once a month. This occurs during menstruation, as well as fortune telling on a monthly cycle, which was born recently.

As it should be noted, not always began the day to the day and hour to hour. In fact, an experiment was carried out by foreign scientists and it was revealed that in this way nature talks with each of the women, foreshadowing the forecast for a month, this is accompanied by the beginning of monthly periods on different days and fortune-telling is recorded in the memo.

The beginning of the divination can be determined by day of the week and days. Most women feel the arrival of menstruation and do not make mistakes in the calculations of day and night.

How to start a fortune telling on a monthly basis correctly?

There is nothing complicated in this divination:

Morning and afternoon "parishes" predict harmony and calm for the whole month, and evening and night anxiety and possible illnesses. Prepare yourself, for our lives are a zebra without this.

Here is a simple guessing at the beginning of the monthly and you can remember it without recording it.

If there is an interest to learn more information about your destiny for a month ahead, you can print out or rewrite the divination by month by number and by day.

To begin with, of course, define the days of the week:

  1. Monday - Emotional splash, bright events in life. There may be disturbing feelings.
  2. Tuesday - A sure sign of an imminent meeting with new people, pleasant acquaintances, the beginning of a new relationship.
  3. Wednesday - Not the best day for the arrival of menstruation. We have to take ourselves in hand and keep the defense of all sorts of misfortunes.
  4. Thursday - The day of the beginning of fortune telling foreshadows the roads. Travel, guests or you will go to someone to visit. Pleasant travel.
  5. Friday - speaks about any events. In any case, the big changes will not take long to wait, so do not expect stability from the month.
  6. Saturday is a good day, foreshadowing surprises and joyful events all month. You are waiting for adventures and romantic confessions.
  7. Sunday - Pleasant meetings, cheerful month, fulfillment of desire.

And then the divination by the monthly cycle is divided into the forecasts for the numbers:

1 - Easy month. Unconstrained business, pleasant troubles.

2 - Lie, you try to substitute, put in a bad light.

3 - Minor disappointments and quarrels. If you correct your behavior on time, you can avoid troubles.

4 - A period of pleasant anticipation and the fact that dreams will come true.

5 - Execution of desire.

6 - Bad rumors and gossip about you. Be on the alert.

7 - A clear sign that someone in you has fallen in love.

8 - The number of jealousy and extravagance. Screw yourself.

9 - Black gossip, bad words that you yourself will speak during this period, will turn against you.

10 - Extreme feeling of passion and love for the whole month, and maybe more.

11 - Loyalty of a loved one.

12 - Your attention to someone is vitally important.

13 - A magic number that either brings you luck , or blows down all the good with a storm.

14 - Great news all month.

15 - Wait for disturbing news.

16 - The number of retribution for their former actions.

17 - You are clearly threatened with parting.

18 - Eight - the sign of infinity 10 - the sign of love.

19 - Fall in love without a memory.

20 - Someone loves you, but you do not need it.

21 - They exactly lie to you.

22 - Money directly from the sky to your head - happiness.

23 - Euphoria, joy, fun.

24 - Wait for the guests.

25 - A new person will soon come to your life.

26 - You are very sorry for a loved one. Coming soon.

27 - 100% fulfillment of the old desire.

28 - 2 - business number 8 - infinity: success in business.

29 - Tearful and sad number.

30 - Your liking is exactly mutual.

31 - Unexpected surprise, where did not expect.