Gypsy fortune-telling at the King

A huge number of women turn to magic to understand the relationship with the opposite sex. Some do this as entertainment, while others believe and follow the instructions. Gypsy divination by the king is very popular. To the gypsy methods of prediction, people from ancient times are treated with respect, believing in the results without any doubt. Divination Aza gypsy woman has deep ancient roots, allowing to get answers to many questions.

Gypsy fortune-telling "Four Kings"

In order for predictions to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to start guessing only if there is a belief that the divination is true. It is equally important to make the right arrangement, for which you need to buy seven church candles, which should be as thick as possible. Guessing the king with the help of gypsy divination is necessary after sunset in complete solitude , so that nothing interferes and does not distract. Remove the cross and remove it. Light the candles on the table and lay four kings around them. Looking at the flame of the candles, say such a conspiracy:

"I call the gypsy force into flames, Now I will pay for the kings. Let him predict he is the character of the kid, Which will be my second half. Let him not fall a dark suit, Kind - love, and villain - attack. Amen".

After that, collect the kings, shuffle and place them under the pillow. Now you need to wait until the candles completely burn, and then, get one card from under the pillow without looking, and proceed to interpretation:

  1. The king of diamonds is a man with whom he has a relationship, in fact he is divorced and he will not be able to provide financial support.
  2. The worm king - the chosen one is reliable, and most importantly, he feels sincere feelings . In addition, he is financially secure.
  3. King of spades and clubs means that there will be constant quarrels, disrespect and poverty in the relationship.

Gypsy divination by 4 kings

This version of fortune telling is suitable in case you want to know about the feelings of several fans at once. It is necessary to take a deck of 36 cards, which must be new or never used for the game. Hold the deck in your hands for some time to saturate it with your energy. Get four kings, call them by the names of men of interest and lay them in a row in front of you with your shirt up. After that, mix the rest of the deck, asking the question of interest, and then, in an arbitrary place, slide the cards to yourself. To betray the king with the help of gypsy divination, lay out the cards in turn, that is, first on the first, second, third, fourth, and then, again on the first, and so on. Then it is necessary to postpone paired cards, laying them on kings. Collect the remaining packs and repeat the alignment three more times. After that, look at the fallen pair cards and proceed to interpretation: