Guessing at a man - what does he feel?

Guessing at what feelings partner feels, enjoy great popularity among the fair sex. This is due to the fact that women often have doubts, suspect a loved one in various bad deeds, and divination helps to dot the "and".

Guessing with candles on what feelings he feels for me

To conduct fortune-telling, candles are often used, and such traditions have ancient roots. This divination will make it possible to understand what a beloved man really feels. It's important to spend it on the growing moon at midnight. To conduct the divination, take two church candles and think about your other half. They should make notes that one candle signifies a woman and the other a man. On the table, place two candles next to each other so that you can put an engagement ring between them. Light the candles and observe their behavior, which will make it possible to explain the divination and to find out what feelings the partner feels:

The candles began to bow to each other - it is a sign that the feelings are mutual and the man is really in love.

The candles began to deviate from each other - this is an indication that there is no future in such relationships and you can put an end to it.

One candle costs exactly, and the other slopes toward it, so you need to look at the marks and find out which side really does not have feelings.

Divination by the Tarot for a man and the feelings that he feels

To do this fortune-telling, take the tarot deck, remove the older lasso and mix the remaining cards thoroughly. After that, you need to make a layout, as shown in the picture. Each card will reveal the various constituent relationships.

To understand what he feels for me, it is necessary to explain the divination:

Map number 1 - the essence of the relationship. The value of this card will provide information about possible secrets and real relationship between two people.

Card number 2 - feelings. Thanks to this card it will be possible to find out about the real feelings of the person on whom the divination is conducted. From the received information it will be possible to add a real portrait of a loved one;

Card number 3 - thoughts. This card gives information about the beloved's real views, and one can also learn his hidden thoughts.

Card number 4 - action. On this map it is possible to understand what actions to expect on the part of men. Another interpretation will lead to a conclusion whether the relationship will be long or not.

Card number 5 - the total. This card is judged on the future of the pair.

It is important to correctly interpret the interpretation of Tarot cards, which can be found here .