Three-leaved watch

The three-leaved plant grows in boggy meadows or peat bogs. It has a mass of names, among which watch-grass, bean-berry, female jabnik, fever, trefoil, ear, troel, and so on. Many centuries ago, the grass with its presence warned people that somewhere near the marsh, so its official name contains the word "watch". The leaves of the grass of the three-leaf watch contain a large number of useful substances:

Useful properties of the plant

The wide use of the three-leaved watch is explained by the presence of many useful properties. The plant is recommended for use for:

Pharmacy medicines based on this plant are also accepted for:

How to take a watch?

You can use a three-leaved watch as a tincture and a decoction. So, to normalize the work of the esophagus, in the presence of vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, intestinal colic and the like, make infusion based on the watch. For this:

  1. Lower 2 teaspoons of the ground plant into boiling water and cook for fifteen minutes. After this, without waiting for the broth to cool down, put the dishes with him in a dark place for 1-2 hours.
  2. Then strain the liquid and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times daily before meals.

In order to prepare a tonic tincture from a three-leaved watch, you will need:


  1. Fill the raw material with medical alcohol.
  2. Leave to infuse liquid in a dark place for about two weeks.
  3. Then gently strain the tincture.

Take medicine before meals. Ten drops of tincture must be diluted in a hundred grams of warm water and drink, without washing down.

Contraindications to the use of a three-leaf watch

Three-leafed watch has no serious contraindications to use, therefore only people with individual intolerance, pregnancy or lactation refrain from treatment.

Incorrect use of tinctures and broths with a watch threatens overdose and irritation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, be careful with dosages and follow the formula exactly.