Cold allergy to a child

Not always ruddy and flushed cheeks kid after a walk make mom happy. Sometimes winter is not fun either for the baby or for his parents, if the child has an allergy to cold. The main cause of allergy to cold is the violation of heat exchange between the body and the environment. Often to provoke the appearance of allergies to cold can diseases that occur in a latent form: dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the tonsils, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, caries.

How does the cold allergy manifest?

How to treat allergy to cold?

Allergy to cold, as well as other forms of body disorders requires a doctor's consultation. First of all, you should check the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, the appearance of allergies can be affected by nervous disorders and stress. Drugs for cold allergy should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually, with this kind of allergy prescribe drugs that improve blood supply and vitamins A, C, E, PP. Also effective use of antiallergic drugs zirtek, claritin, eryus, etc. If the cold allergy is manifested by small wounds and cracks on the skin, they are lubricated with special healing ointments.

What should I do if I'm allergic to cold?

  1. Train the vessels by hardening and physical exercises. When hardening, immune mechanisms are activated dramatically, thermoregulation is improved. Also, temperature irritations favor the normalization of fat and carbohydrate exchanges, promote the thickening of the epidermis and, as a result, increase resistance to unfavorable environmental factors.
  2. Eat food warmly, including foods high in fatty acids (fatty fish, butter, etc.) in the diet.
  3. Before going out to the street in the cold season, you need to lubricate the face, hands and open body parts with cream from cold allergy (in the absence of a special cream you can use any fat cream), apply lip balm to your lips. Also, children must wear gloves and a cap covering the forehead during the frosty days, and a scarf to wrap the chin.