Why does not the temperature get out of the child?

Sometimes parents who have already used all sorts of known ways to relieve a child of fever and fever, it's simply not clear why the child does not stumble tempers. Consider the reasons for this unpleasant, and even sometimes dangerous, condition:

  1. A child has contracted a serious virus and is sick with ARVI.
  2. Often a rise in body temperature also causes bacterial infections such as otitis media, pneumonia, nephritis, as well as purulent inflammation of the tissues (phlegmon or abscess).
  3. Sometimes a child's high temperature does not get knocked out if specific viruses, such as rotavirus or Epstein-Barra virus, have penetrated into his body .
  4. Severe fever is one of the main symptoms of such diseases as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the meninges). It is possible to suspect such a diagnosis if the fever is accompanied by severe convulsions, vomiting, loss of consciousness, headache, etc.
  5. To understand why a young child does not lose heat is not difficult, if it is very tightly wrapped, which prevents normal heat transfer, or overheated in the sun.

First aid

Many parents are lost and do not understand what to do if the child does not lose temperature. Try the following ways to ease his condition:

  1. If you gave a febrifuge to this baby on a paracetamol basis, try syrup, where the main active ingredient is ibuprofen, and vice versa.
  2. You can try such a folk remedy, like grinding water-vinegar or water-alcohol solution, which is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1.
  3. Uncover the child and keep the room at a temperature of not more than 20 degrees, and also drink it in small portions, but often.
  4. If nothing helps, call an ambulance.